Search results for query: kalm

  1. Paddy

    Is 3 yr old Kava OK?

    From the ultimate source here! I appreciate you guys chiming in.
  2. Kavacus

    New to kava questions

    Yeah, you kind of have to swill a few shells down before effects show themselves. I had RT for about 4 days, and after that, well, I drink kava nearly every day, many shells usually...and X2 on the medium grind vs. instant, squeezing and kneading yield a better brew of grog, IMO.
  3. Groggy

    New to kava questions

    Howdy and welcome to kava forums. Sounds like you are off to a great start and you already seem to know more than most newbies. Kalm with Kava is one of the best vendors and a great place to start. (Real, not micro instant) serving size is 1-2 tablespoons with 8-12 oz of water. You can get...
  4. Token

    New to kava questions

    Hey all, new to trying Kava. I recently got my order from Kalm with Kava. My first time trying it today, I feel like it had a slight effect on me I drank about 3 serving sizes over 2 hours or so. How many serving sizes would be considered alot? I know there is probably a reverse tolerance...
  5. The Kap'n

    Kava recomemdation

    Santa Cruz from Fiji Vanua, or Kelai From Nakamal @ Home's Epik Line. Both very different but very unique kavas that have quite a following.
  6. Candiru1

    Kava recomemdation

    I’m looking to shake things up. I’ve really enjoyed all the offering from kalm with kava, but I’m looking to try something new. My all time favorite kava has been the palarasul from kava society. Any recommendations for something new?
  7. Groggy

    First time kava users - very different experiences've mentioned. Also happy to hear you are giving it another shot. Sometimes kava may be hit or miss. I think your best bet is to get a sample pack from either; Gourmet Hawaiian Kava, Kalm with kava or Bula kava House. Those are the top sellers but there plenty of others to chose from.
  8. Kalm with Kava

    What happened to Priority ???

    This might sound crazy, but since we go directly to the USPS for shipping pricing, I really don't know. We tell them the weights and sizes of our orders, and they return back with the products we can use along with pricing. Sorry I'm not more helpful!
  9. P

    What happened to Priority ???

    @Kalm with Kava could you tell me what is the weight limit for the USPS Priority Shipping, before it increases to a higher Priority weight ?
  10. nabanga

    Are we early to the party?

    Its not always that way - I have been ordering regularly from Fiji and NZ the last 15 years into Laos, Vietnam & Cambodia and have never lost a package. Usually 5kg-8kg at a time. I only had one incident where Vietnam customs held me to ransom but I got the kava in the end after a $300...
  11. fait

    I Love Kava Friday Weekend Incoming.....

    Kava in this part of the world should be dry by the time it gets to the wedding, hahaha!
  12. The Kap'n

    I Love Kava Friday Weekend Incoming.....

    lol, it's a dry wedding, so.....yes?
  13. Kalm with Kava

    Vendors that ship through UPS/Fedex?

    And we thank you for it!
  14. jewalker7842

    Vendors that ship through UPS/Fedex?

    I order from Kalm With Kava weekly and they do ship via FedEx. I can't say I've seen a UPS shipping option though. I'm pretty sure I pay for their electric bill every month LOL.
  15. The Kap'n

    Vendors that ship through UPS/Fedex?

    ...want to try @Artofkava He seems to be very flexible in terms of payment and shipping, so that's a good place to start. Kalm with kava did use UPS for a bit, but I'm not sure if that's still the MO. You'd likely get good results sending messages to the vendors directly...
  16. jewalker7842

    Kava success story

    No problem! I can thank y’all’s Borogu and Tongan strain for the success story. Keep up all the good work!
  17. Zaphod


    ...Personally for heady varieties I like WoW from Nakamal at home, Moi from Gourmet Hawaiian Kava, Nambawan from Bula Kava House, Melomelo from Kalm.....lots of choices. If anyone still sells variety sample packs I would try that. In short, jump in (the water is just fine I swear!) and see...
  18. Zaphod


    Really not that different than widget producing production lines. Kodak's film industry was a 24/7 around the clock operation, in the dark no less. Anytime a line went down it was measured in $$$/minute and it was all hands on deck. I imagine it is the same for any high volume manufacturing...
  19. Aceofwands9


    That's completely rediculous!
  20. The Kap'n

    I Love Kava Friday All aboard!

    Not a moment too soon....some would say a bit late ;)