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Kava aficionado
Should I wait to buy a cup then? I was gonna buy the aluball, but if this thing priced around the same and dropping soon, I'll wait lol.
We don't know what the Alubottle is yet, but I personally wouldn't wait to get the Aluball, it really doesn't get easier than that, short of drinking instant.


Kava Curious
Alright cool I'll grab it then. I just saw someone say that the bottle thats on the site is a little weak and that I should get the ball and then a different blender bottle? Is it that weak really? If it'll hold up for awhile im just going to get it. Just more convenient for me to just have it and be done.


Kava aficionado
Alright cool I'll grab it then. I just saw someone say that the bottle thats on the site is a little weak and that I should get the ball and then a different blender bottle? Is it that weak really? If it'll hold up for awhile im just going to get it. Just more convenient for me to just have it and be done.
I don't think that it is but that is my personal opinion, if you shake the crap out of it with little water, it might crack. I've shaken the bejesus out it and it never happened to me. Also holding the bottle horizontally and shaking it, puts less stress on the bottle.


Kava Curious
Cool man, I'll just get it then. Thanks for the help! It's been years since I've had kava. Im very excited to start up again. The kava game has stepped up from when I last grabbed some.


Kava Curious
Well just cuz of money, at the moment, I can only buy the bottle and ball. But, in the future I will buy another one for sure. Ordered my kava and bottle and ball last night, can't wait!
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