Regular chapstick will actually cause more chapness, and dryness because of the petroleum.
Hopefully you are using a chapstick without it.
As for the issue at hand.
The Dermatitis. just means Im doing it right!

I find that a good electrolight mix usually clears it up nice, I generaly eat a banana everynight "I drink Kava almost every night" and that seems to combat it a little bit.
Plus makes for some Lucid dreaming.
I also think that a different approach should be used on the persuation on Kava on Noobs.
I've noticed that the Kava community generaly consist of intellects, and we all might know what some definitions are; but others might not know them in the "medical" term.
So I have found that changing some of the technical terms to more laymans terms has helped a great deal at the persuasion of people to come into the world of Awa.
Such as changing words like Dermatitis, to "dry skin"
It seems people get more scared when technical terms are used.