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Earthy notes I don't get it?


Kava Curious
Some one in on reddit was surprised I could enjoy the taste of kava, and doubting if I have even had strong kava. So it got me thinking how I could better describe my view on the taste, and why I enjoy the flavour....

I guess my reference for earthy tends to be round mouldy/fungi flavours. Where kava has more mineral aspect, like the taste of cave water that's dripped out small spring in a cave; or when out tramping (hiking) the taste of water that you drink on the top of a soggy ridge line out of a puddle with slight flow that full of tannins and particulate; or the naturally fed cow trough you drunk out of as kid full of particulate and leaves... it tastes fresh delicious, clean and nice, just all heavy on tannins and minerals.

Yea kava never in my brain has an earthy flavour, it has a similar vibe of drinking out of stream on rainy day and getting that mineral, dead leaf/fern vibes aspect, ton of bitter more towards astringency and lot of numbing vibes, Then layered amongst it, is sometimes some lovely flavour notes hiding amongst it as well. All the ones tried so far really slide round the different balances of them, one so far has just being a boring woody taste with nothing to write home about.

I am curious if any of you folks who enjoy kava and spend some time in the bush (woods). Feel it's more of minerally drinking out of particulate heavy stream taste not an earthy flavour or I am just crazy person.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
It's got an earthy flavour as in it tastes like mud!

When you are out in the woods what water are you using? If you are using water from a stream then maybe that's altering the outcome? I know in the UK we have areas of "hard" and "soft" water meaning the amount of minerals in it changes from area to area and I've notice that will make a difference.


Kava Curious
It's got an earthy flavour as in it tastes like mud!

When you are out in the woods what water are you using? If you are using water from a stream then maybe that's altering the outcome? I know in the UK we have areas of "hard" and "soft" water meaning the amount of minerals in it changes from area to area and I've notice that will make a difference.
well I don't use that water for kava, just more descriptor of the flavour, being NZ and hiking, the vast amount of streams and low flow puddles I have drunk out of is too vast to know what each water source I have drunk.


Kava? Yes please!
Some one in on reddit was surprised I could enjoy the taste of kava, and doubting if I have even had strong kava. So it got me thinking how I could better describe my view on the taste, and why I enjoy the flavour....
I actually LIKE the taste of Kava! It's definitely an "acquired taste" and also dependent on your kava type and preparation.
I have been drinking kava regularly for about 7-8 years. I drink my kava straight with some half & half (half milk/half cream). I think the creamer is a big factor in the deliciousness. It adds a velvety texture which is pleasing to the tongue, and of course the kavalactones enjoy the lactose in the creamer.

My favorite kava ever made is Kava Time's Gourmet Savusavu Waka...I think it has a hint of vanilla and pepper to the taste. I usually get their Ambae's variant when the GSW is out of stock. I also love Kalm with Kava's Loa Waka and Borogu varietals.

I have not met many people who can say they enjoy the taste of kava.
It's not a "good" flavor in the classic sense...it's just a comforting flavor to me. Perhaps my mind has just learned to associate the flavor with the resultant bliss in a way which makes the flavor part of the experience. Who knows? But I very much enjoy it and have never once used any flavoring or sweetener.



Kava Curious
I actually LIKE the taste of Kava! It's definitely an "acquired taste" and also dependent on your kava type and preparation.
I have been drinking kava regularly for about 7-8 years. I drink my kava straight with some half & half (half milk/half cream). I think the creamer is a big factor in the deliciousness. It adds a velvety texture which is pleasing to the tongue, and of course the kavalactones enjoy the lactose in the creamer.

My favorite kava ever made is Kava Time's Gourmet Savusavu Waka...I think it has a hint of vanilla and pepper to the taste. I usually get their Ambae's variant when the GSW is out of stock. I also love Kalm with Kava's Loa Waka and Borogu varietals.

I have not met many people who can say they enjoy the taste of kava.
It's not a "good" flavor in the classic sense...it's just a comforting flavor to me. Perhaps my mind has just learned to associate the flavor with the resultant bliss in a way which makes the flavor part of the experience. Who knows? But I very much enjoy it and have never once used any flavoring or sweetener.

Good to know, funny enough enjoying bowl of noka premium kava which is also Savusavu, it's new kava to me as on bit of fun to explore kava and making kava, before I splash out on some single origin specialty kava... 15 to 1 to ratio tonight 750ml serve.

base notes (not flavour) warm spice
Primary flavour (how it feels in the mouth) Very Numbing, super astringent, mouth puckering, subtle sweet notes (think this is the vanilla notes, I find it quite honey like)
Flavour/smell horopito, heavily woody perfume vibes

Just lovely.

Really listened to the reading I've done here, less is more, so slowed down to one shell ever 15-20ish, and waited to nice empty tummy, and just hand kneaded with canoe finish and squeeze. It's so therapeutic and feels like your settling into the evening, and I love taking some sips on new kava and discovering the flavour, and trying how the kava evolves while kneading.
