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El Capitán presents: Hissing Thoughts "My secret kava shame"

Capitán Bastos

Hissing Thoughts, also known as "D-Man" is a former journalist from New Zealand. He is currently celebrating his wedding anniversary with his wife in the Fiji Islands. In this video, he talks about his past and more recent experiences with the root.



Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Post one: Projectile vomit from a shell of watery Fijian mix?! ...Don't be anywhere near this guy if he ever drinks in Vanuatu, who knows what combination of projectile excretions their kava would likely force out of him. :jawdrop:

Post two: I'm starting to think the kava-stimulation effect is largely a genetic thing, but perhaps more on the human's side than the kava's side. I've only had a distinct stimulated feeling a couple times and it wasn't necessarily repeatable even with the same kava. I've consumed them all, at high doses, from heady to tudei(and worse). Even when I drink the headiest, kavainiest, Tongan kava or 'awa Mo'i...they just feel like regular kava to me, only less sedating 'out the gate', but still sedating overall.
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Capitán Bastos

Post one: Projectile vomit from a shell of watery Fijian mix?! ...Don't be anywhere near this guy if he ever drinks in Vanuatu, who knows what combination of projectile excretions their kava would likely force out of him. :jawdrop:

Post two: I'm starting to think the kava-stimulation effect is largely a genetic thing, but perhaps more on the human's side than the kava's side. I've only had a distinct stimulated feeling a couple times and it wasn't necessarily repeatable even with the same kava. I've consumed them all, at high doses, from heady to tudei(and worse). Even when I drink the headiest, kavainiest, Tongan kava or 'awa Mo'i...they just feel like regular kava to me, only less sedating 'out the gate', but still sedating overall.
The couple of times I've thrown up from kava have been either a) over consumption (too much too fast) b) when the aluball broke and I got those tiny twigs in there c) when I thought it was a good idea to chase the third shell with a sodie pop or d) "micronized"

Tanna Kaolik, that's the one. I believe I wrote in my review that I found myself "rocking out hard with my air guitar".
I think he mentioned in his video that they had some kava, then had some drinks, then had some kava.