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Hey y'all,

unfortunately my supplier global kava exports won't ship until january 7th and i'm running out of my kava...
so, does anybody know if (and if yes which) shops will send to europe? i don't think that i'll recive anything before the 7th from overseas anyway, but it would be cool to know if it's possible to order some other kava from time to time.

beautiful holidays everybody (y)


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
It depends where in Europe you are as some will ship and some won't. Have a look at my thread... vendors who ship to the UK. Even if you're not in the UK it should give you an idea. I have stacks of kava at the moment and could probably be persuaded to sell you some if you're stuck. Wouldn't want to see anyone go without especially at Christmas. PM me if you're interested.



Kava Curious
as the neighbour of edward (across the pond) ghk does not ship to europe. i get that it can be a hassle to keep track of what you can and cant send but europe is this way. i can do things here that are prisony in the u.k.
then again my country has so many conflicting "laws" lawyer paradise!. back to your issue kava is legal by european law but individual countries... protip from wilder days veterinary medicine always comes through. (i herb y claim all previous statements as purely for entertainment) the man is looking for other spices and "supplements"


Kava Manliness
I have had great experience with shipping to Europe from these US vendors:

Kalm With Kava, Kavaboy, Paradise.

They all have rather expensive shipping overseas.

I have tried ordering directly from GHK once, but the shipment never made it to my adress. So I'll be careful with GHK. If you need GHK kava, @Global Kava Exports situated in the UK ships it directly from Manchester.