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Deleted User01

Aw you guy are jumping to conclusions. I think I found the culprit. The first hint was the name on the letter that said Reefside. This invoked imagery of something tropical by the ocean. Glitter meant women or something unmanly. So I enlisted the best “girly man” hunters in the business, Hanz and Franz.

I showed them the letter and told them what I knew. Their reply, “This has girly-man written all over it. We can smell girly-men 1000 miles away.” So they took the evidence and started tracking down the perp. It took them all of one hour to find the culprit.

They had something in a large duffel bag that was squealing for help, “Let me go ya big bullies unless you want to get rough with me. :kiss: I’m calling the cops, unless you want to pump me up”. So then Hanz said, “Look what we found in the wood pile”, as he dumped the contents of the duffel bag onto the floor.


So it turns out it was a spurned girly-man just like I suspected. So my apologies to all listed on the bottom of the Kava Lab Tests who were wrongly accused of WeinieBuggery.

Deleted User01

Looks like he's past due on his annual reporting. As much as it may look like it was Judd, it could have been someone trying to make us believe that.
No worries, we already found the culprit. So let's go on to new business.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Come on guys, obviously Deleted User commissioned this himself, knowing it would lead back to Judd. Thereby swaying the public view in his favor and increasing his profits in his non-profit operation.


Bula To Eternity
Come on guys, obviously Deleted User commissioned this himself, knowing it would lead back to Judd. Thereby swaying the public view in his favor and increasing his profits in his non-profit operation.
If true, that would also be disturbing. ::angry2::

Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
Clearly the culprit wanted to be caught by addressing it that way. Which conflicts with the idea of sending anonymous fuck you glitter. So its definitely someone internally conflicted. Remember, the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. Spending ten bucks to glitter bomb someone is clearly not indifferent. Ergo, this is an act of great love from a conflicted person!


Deleted User01

Clearly the culprit wanted to be caught by addressing it that way. Which conflicts with the idea of sending anonymous fuck you glitter. So its definitely someone internally conflicted. Remember, the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. Spending ten bucks to glitter bomb someone is clearly not indifferent. Ergo, this is an act of great love from a conflicted person!QED
Well as you can see, Mango is a very conflicted person. :D When you get a letter with glitter and the word douche in it, you know it's female or female-like. Sorry @Deleted User, but I think Mango has a crush on you. She likes the "Mad Scientist" types. Anyway, Hanz and Franz are still trying to get a confession but Mango is liking it too much and this could go on
forever. :rolleyes:


Bula To Eternity
Well if this is just a joke, then I don't find it very funny because one way or the other it's a dispersion on another persons character and is in poor taste. IMHO not doing that here is sacrosanct. If it's not a joke, then it's even worse for the same reason. If this was an NFL football game, I would have the offender ejected from the game.

Deleted User01

Who said this was a joke? I don't see Mango laughing ... just giggling. They're trying to tickle a confession out of her.


The d'Artagnan forum 4th Kavateer
well from the folks I've met here & upon reading that trash once more I can't fathom anyone I've gotten to know writing that as a joke or otherwise

Deleted User01

Geez Deleted User, a secret admirer sends you a Valentine and you get all bent outta shape. :rolleyes: I would do, I prefer chocolate candy. I told them that once already.
Just candy, no poop. How many times to have to tell ya. :banghead:

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
The message was pre-printed. All of their letters say the same thing I believe.