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The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
  • Bula Kava House is back on the map! Quite a number of kavas are back in stock.
  • KWK - Micronized Melo Melo Back in stock
  • Availability updated.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
  • Updated all pricing & availability.
  • Kalm with Kava: back in stock
    • Pouni Ono Micronized
    • Borogu Micronized
    • Vula Waka Micronized

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
  • Updated all pricing & availability.
  • Cactus Kava
    • All Micronized kavas now in stock
    • All powdered kavas now in stock
  • The Kava Roots
    • Tongan Family Reserve now back in stock


Kava Enthusiast
  • Updated all pricing & availability.
  • Cactus Kava
    • All Micronized kavas now in stock
    • All powdered kavas now in stock
  • The Kava Roots
    • Tongan Family Reserve now back in stock
Haha, don't rub in in. Mum and I ordered 4 1lbs from tne great bice guy Paulie, 30th May.

21bs Tongan Choice, 2 1bs Ressrve.

Still no show. Meantime, Bestfijikava order reached in no time.

Paulie tracked the order for me kindly and said it is being held in customs unusually I'm hoping they are just backlogged and overwhelmed he said wait a couple of weeks I just hope we get our order I was so looking forward to this.

It's my only kava order out of of a good dozen or so which have had the slightest problem so far to the United Kingdom.


Kava Enthusiast
Oh also, I got an email saying Kavaroots are back in stock of their Paulie's blend, and before that also the noble warrior from Kavaroots.

I got an email tonigjt:

Kavafied back in- Solomon Islands Kava Lapita..

Plus Kava Tonga.

I ordered an 8OZ pack of the Tonga off Amazon.com, first time it has been available to the United Kingdom since this recent pandemonium and disruption.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
  • Updated all pricing & availability.
  • Kava Time
    • Gourmet Savusavu Waka - Back in stock
  • Gourmet Hawaiian Kava
    • Hiwa Instant - Back in Stock
Last edited:


Kava Enthusiast
Updated 07/22/2020
  • Updated all pricing & availability.
  • Kava Time
    • New Kava: Santo's Pride Available
Oh man, I wish those guys shipped UK. I have the 2nd pouch of Gournet Susavu Waka, but I'm reluctant to open it because I know I can't get another and I enjoyed that one particularly.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Very happy to do it. Not only does it help those looking to compare pricing, it also helps keep me up to date on all the stuff that's out there.


Kava Enthusiast
Very happy to do it. Not only does it help those looking to compare pricing, it also helps keep me up to date on all the stuff that's out there.
Those chemotypes are very handy too. I peaked earlier at the difference between Pouni Ono and Borongoru from KWK.

They are very different in effect and the chemotypes support this.

So briefly- the Bestfijikava grade A waka, I find it quite strong. Quite heavy and sedating, more than WoW.

Definitely stronger than the Grade A Lawena I opened first.

I think the AAA Waka is a good shout for a heavy kava, without too much mental stimulation.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Those chemotypes are very handy too. I peaked earlier at the difference between Pouni Ono and Borongoru from KWK.

They are very different in effect and the chemotypes support this.

So briefly- the Bestfijikava grade A waka, I find it quite strong. Quite heavy and sedating, more than WoW.

Definitely stronger than the Grade A Lawena I opened first.

I think the AAA Waka is a good shout for a heavy kava, without too much mental stimulation.
Agreed. I enjoyed that kava. I still have a bag of the lawena I haven't gotten into yet, and I need to.


Kava Enthusiast
Agreed. I enjoyed that kava. I still have a bag of the lawena I haven't gotten into yet, and I need to.
The Waka we speak of, I adore the aroma. I have it in a jar, and I love opening it for a whiff.

My mum, who has so far kind of rejected kava in favour of wine, but still hope, she likes the waka aroma too.

I just gave her a whiff of the Kelai. It repulses her lol!

I think ideally we would be combining both their Waka and Lawena together.

The Waka is on the heavy, switch off mental thought processes rather than exactly sedating. And such a dark chocolatey colour. Nice enough to drink as well.

The Lawena is as light in shade as any kava I think I have drunk. I found it great as a combo with WoW.

I think 10 grams Lawena, 5 grams Aluball would be a sweet experience. Sometimes, fairly small ratio adjustments can create a substantially different subjective experience, vs half and half for example.

Im gonna try that anyway. Most of my Waka jar is full, an unopened second bag of Lawena.