Hi people. I am new here. I've never written a blog entry before, so please bare with me. I just did my first shell of Bula Melo Melo(I think that's the name). It made me so sick to my stomach that I couldn't do another one for fear that I'd throw it up, which is a shame because right now I'm feelin fine. I hope I get over this bein sick to my stomach so I could do more. But right now, like the name says, I,m melo melo. I think with a little time, Icould get to like this stuff, even tho it was a b!tch to clean up. Anyway, thanks for 'hearin me out'. Sorry about this bein so long; like I said I'm pretty f'ed up. This stuff definetly kicks in slowly. Maybe I;m ready for that next shell. Well, bye for now, people.