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Kava Enthusiast
Note: In NO way am I a medical professional!
Just my opinion, most livers are tough to kill. And, there's typically signs of liver damage before it gets really bad. I'm not sure about kava, but I'd imagine a weakened liver would have signs in the beginning.

For example:
Yellowing of the eyes and finger nails. Like, the white part of the eyeball gets this yellow look to it. It's because the liver isn't cleaning out the bilirubin in blood efficiently. Bilirubin is what's left of old red blood cells after the body breaks them down. They're getting replaced all the time!
Brownish urine. Sort of like tea colored. The human body is of excellent design. If the liver isn't working properly, the kidneys take on the roll of bilirubin removal. This creates a brownish color to the urine. The kidneys DO remove some throughout the day, but they have to double up on the removal as the liver starts to slack off.
Light colored stools. No, not the kind of stools around your minibar..lol. The kind you dread coming on when there's nothing but a public bathroom available. :/ Anyhow, I think it has something to do with the liver not creating bile. And bilirubin is removed through bile in the digestive tract, and also some in urine.


Kava Enthusiast
And when cook correctly taste wonderful!!!
Hey, if you drink a lot of (grain) alcohol, you get a fatty liver that's considered a delicacy in France!

To produce “foie gras” (the French term means “fatty liver”), workers ram pipes down the throats of male ducks twice each day, pumping up to 2.2 pounds of grain and fat into their stomachs, or geese three times a day, up to 4 pounds daily, in a process known as “gavage.” The force-feeding causes the birds’ livers to swell to up to 10 times their normal size. Many birds have difficulty standing because their engorged livers distend their abdomens, and they may tear out their own feathers and attack each other out of stress.


Kava Enthusiast
With milk or lemon?
Well, it depends. If you're standing next to a lemon tree, then lemon. If you're out in the middle of a cow pasture....milk. If the farmer catches you watering the cattle, then it's going to be "shaken not stirred!"..lol.

Oh, and Steph. I forgot to congratulate you on your positive test results!::shell:: That's awesome!
I know the liver thing causes a lot of concern with people. Believe me, it worried me also. I've had liver issues in the past. That's why I posted that rather long winded dissertation on liver disease symptoms. Just things to watch for. It helps me to know that there are warning signs BEFORE any permanent damage. At least in most cases. I think it'd be rare to have liver problems and not have any symptoms of it, but I guess it could happen.

Reading these forums set my mind at ease. It's great for newbies to hear how other people are enjoying kava with no impact on their liver!
So, thank you for your post. :)

Sam Handwich

Kava Enthusiast
Congratulations! I had blood work last Friday as well. Have been drinking kava daily for 4+ months and did not abstain the night before the tests. Every number was right down the middle in the normal range.
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