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High Quality Kava, A1 Service and Speedy Delivery!


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Hi never tasted kava but really want to try what's the prices mate please
@Ips45 Hello, I sell kava in the UK for pet supplement use only as it's illegal to sell for human consumption. You presumably have a pet that needs kava?

My site is at petsupplementseurope.eu . If you register and log in you will be able to see the section anxiety supplements for pets. My full list with prices is there.

You will find the prices higher than from US vendors but the kava is in the UK already so it gets to you quicker and you don't have to worry about customs or customs fees. Also I have taken all the risk of loss to customs checks which has cost me nearly £5000 over the last few years.


Hello Edward,
I wish to order something as close as possible to Vanuatu Borongoru for my pet. Basically sth really heavy. Is there a variety like this available? If yes, Which one do you recommend?