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How to get your hands back (this really works)

Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
even if you don't get dermo, if you frequently drink kava, or drink a lot of kava, or like me, frequently drink a lot of kava, and especially if you are given to understatements, and especially if you trad prep grog with bare hands, you will get dry hands. Sometimes they just don't feel right, more dry and waxy than is comfortable.

There is a quick and easy way to get your hands back that I use.

You need some hand lotion and it doesn't have to even be good, cheap crap is fine, but I suppose Vasoline Intensive Care lotion, buy a big jug, would be perfect. Run some warm, but not hot, water in the sink. Rub lotion in your hands, trying to rub as much of the greasy goo into the skin as you can, then rinse your hands in warm water. Then dry your hands on a towel. Then do it again. Keep doing this again and again until you get your hands back. I find this always works, sometimes it only takes one iteration, sometimes 2 or 3 or even 4, but if I keep doing it, I do get my hands back and it stops bothering me. Very nice to get them back it is, too. I find it's much nicer for caressing someone's cheek, because then it feels nicer instead of like you are rubbing someone with dry, waxy sandpaper.

Made my life better....


I'm interested in things
Amlactin works better for keeping hands soft in the long term, although it will sting if there are open cuts or cracks... Vaseline type stuff can help if your hands are very dry and cracked, but like you say, the effects tends to disappear as soon as it rubs off..


Kava Curious
Someone suggested it on this forum... dont remember who... buy Blue Plastic Powder-Free Nitrile Gloves off amazon... at night, right before bed, apply a bunch of lotion and then put the gloves on and sleep with them all night.

Admittedly, it's a bit strange. But it works. Your hands will be back to normal in the morning. It wears off throughout the day though, not permanent.