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How to make your own Kava drinking shell



It's easy just grab a cup and pour in kava lol.. You have got me curious now maybe there is something spiritual about using a coconut shell ?

Señor Chuggs

Friend of Kava
I will say drinking out of shells forces you to portion it right. I'm as guilty as the next guy of dumping a whole batch into a Big Gulp cup or something and guzzling kava outside somewhere.... But drinking a 5-8oz shell every few mins or so really gives me a more insightful kava session. It forces one to balance the full shell out in front, take in it's unique aroma, and knock it back all at once... Washing it down your throat and taking a few slow breaths to reflect.

Spiritual? .. maybe


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
I'm happy with a simple cup, about 8 oz. I made my own shell but still use the cup.


Kava Enthusiast
I made my own shell not long ago and I've been using it ever since. I will have to make another better looking one over the summer and will have to watch this again. I do like using a real shell over a coffee cup now.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
I went crazy making these for a while, and still use them here and there when I bust the tonoa out.
It's nice and meditative to make and drink out of !


Skål from Sweden!
I want to make one!
I was planing on making one, but was just going to saw a coconut in half. This looks better.

Señor Chuggs

Friend of Kava
One day I need to make my own bilo... Last week I ordered these shells from coconutbowls.com

They are definitely Chugg size. I usually fill them 1/3 of the way so it gulps like a standard 5 oz shell, but I can still set it on the table without spilling.
