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Just got my kava in the mail!


Kava Curious
I am new to kava, when i do prepare my first cup or shell as you say i am looking forward to it very much. I researched the kava market very intensely before ordering and ended up with micronized Mahakea from GHK as i had seem the company named as a very reliable source on many forums and reddit pages. I do have to be cautious to a degree however because i am bipolar and have taken xanax for well over 10 years, i take far less now however than i ever have. While i have read the cautions i really cannot see how kava is still a much safer option than the alcohol i would usually drink. I am at the point now where i take 1mg of xanax in the morning and 1mg at bedtime, i just plan on omitting my evening dose the first time i try kava. I was looking forward to trying it as soon as i got it, however i have had far to much to drink over the holiday weekend for that to be the way i try kava for the first time. So i will give it a few days and then give it a try and just keep it to a few drinks or shells until i get a feel for how or even if it will interact with my medication. But i have to thank this forum as it has by far the best information and facts as well as knowledge that could find leading up to my purchase. I look forward to sharing my experience's with you when i get the chance. Thank you all for such a great forum.


Kava aficionado
Welcome aboard the krunked ship o_O. I also used Benzo's for many years, my advice is to take it slow, there is no reason to fear taking both, but imho, space it out, like you already mentioned you are doing. Aside from recent events, kava is a far better substitute to alcohol. As your body adjusts to daily kava use, you may find less desire to drink. It is not the case for everybody, but it seems to be true for most people.


Kava Curious
I actually just talked this over with my Doctor, he pretty much said the same as @MudMonkey in that its all the approach and in the end would be far better than alcohol. Honestly i was waiting to talk to him before i tried kava as i do value his input! Plus its summer here in Ohio and i have been drinking a few beers, which from what i have read does not mix well. I intend to really start a kava routine after this weekend and cannot wait to report back on how it goes. Thanks for all the advice and comments!


Kava Enthusiast
Kava is much better for your body than alcohol. I drink kava daily. If I go a few days without it I start getting kranky and not feeling well, which is how I felt before I started using kava. After awhile you may find you don't need the xanex any more, but everyone is different. If all you've had is a few beers, you should be ok to drink kava the next day. If you have any type of alcohol hangover, I would suggest waiting until it completely goes away and then wait 24 hours before drinking kava.


Kava Enthusiast
I actually just talked this over with my Doctor, he pretty much said the same as @MudMonkey in that its all the approach and in the end would be far better than alcohol. Honestly i was waiting to talk to him before i tried kava as i do value his input! Plus its summer here in Ohio and i have been drinking a few beers, which from what i have read does not mix well. I intend to really start a kava routine after this weekend and cannot wait to report back on how it goes. Thanks for all the advice and comments!
If the reasoning for thinking drinking a few beers during the summer doesn't mix well is due to dehydration, it's important to note that Kava is also a diuretic and is also very dehydrating, which is why most here will advise others to drink more water than usual while having sessions. If that is not the reason I guess it went over my head =P


Kava Enthusiast
That's part of it, but there's something else too. I think it has to do with them both being metabolized by your liver. Something like that.

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Kava alcohol and Tylenol are all metabolized by same enzyme and so if kava is blocking it up then tylenol and alcohol get backed up. And so the bad effects are really from Tylenol and or alcohol rather than kava. Just is just the fat guy stuck in the exit door

dr phalloid

Kava Enthusiast
I am new to kava, when i do prepare my first cup or shell as you say i am looking forward to it very much. I researched the kava market very intensely before ordering and ended up with micronized Mahakea from GHK as i had seem the company named as a very reliable source on many forums and reddit pages. I do have to be cautious to a degree however because i am bipolar and have taken xanax for well over 10 years, i take far less now however than i ever have. While i have read the cautions i really cannot see how kava is still a much safer option than the alcohol i would usually drink. I am at the point now where i take 1mg of xanax in the morning and 1mg at bedtime, i just plan on omitting my evening dose the first time i try kava. I was looking forward to trying it as soon as i got it, however i have had far to much to drink over the holiday weekend for that to be the way i try kava for the first time. So i will give it a few days and then give it a try and just keep it to a few drinks or shells until i get a feel for how or even if it will interact with my medication. But i have to thank this forum as it has by far the best information and facts as well as knowledge that could find leading up to my purchase. I look forward to sharing my experience's with you when i get the chance. Thank you all for such a great forum.
hi,and welcome I too suffer from bipolar I know exactly what this illness is like to live with.i started drinking kava 8 years ago and came off the alcohol completely using it.alcohol will worsen any depression but it will treble your anxiety+depression in the long run if you have bipolar.has your doctor got you on mood stabalizers of any kind,im prescribed Depakote but don't take them due to there side effects which has a lot to do with the liver so they don't mix well with kava.as for kava youll be doing your body the world of good if you swap kava instead of alcohol,but don't go to strong till you r use to it,this stuff can creep up on you.id like to hear how its been going on the kava,as for Xanax I'm prescribed Valium and came off them using kava as well,but I have mixed them with no problem but it can cause over-sedation best to taper off them if you can.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
@Vinnie I spent 20 odd years drinking heavily and started drinking kava last summer. It took a good 8 or 9 months until I stopped getting cravings for alcohol. Mind you for a while I was trying to drink both (not on the same day) so I would drink alcohol on the weekend and try and drink alcohol during the week. Since I decided to cut out the alcohol completely and only drink kava I have got to the point where I have no desire for alcohol at all. My point being stick with it if you intend to switch completely, it will take time but you can do it.


Kava Curious
hi,and welcome I too suffer from bipolar I know exactly what this illness is like to live with.i started drinking kava 8 years ago and came off the alcohol completely using it.alcohol will worsen any depression but it will treble your anxiety+depression in the long run if you have bipolar.has your doctor got you on mood stabalizers of any kind,im prescribed Depakote but don't take them due to there side effects which has a lot to do with the liver so they don't mix well with kava.as for kava youll be doing your body the world of good if you swap kava instead of alcohol,but don't go to strong till you r use to it,this stuff can creep up on you.id like to hear how its been going on the kava,as for Xanax I'm prescribed Valium and came off them using kava as well,but I have mixed them with no problem but it can cause over-sedation best to taper off them if you can.
I take the 300mg of lithium ER daily in terms of a mood stabilizer, i had used depakote but it put me in a a haze that honestly was too strong. I am lucky in the fact i have no depression, nor have in the 15 years i have been in treatment. i really just have far too much energy and night terrors. I found that lithium ER in a very low dose works very well to balance that energy. I will be taking the introduction of Kava into my system very slowly as i have or do any new chemical. My overall hope for kava is that it will help balance my sleep patterns as this is something that simply no medicine will help with. Alcohol was what i used when my night terrors got too bad because it blacks out your dreams just as it does cause black outs for people who drink too much, just i did it right before i slept...not the healthiest habit but hopefully kava will have some help, but we will see...thanks for your input and advice. Kava will still be better than alcohol for my liver, at least good, properly produced kava.


Kava aficionado
I actually just talked this over with my Doctor, he pretty much said the same as @MudMonkey in that its all the approach and in the end would be far better than alcohol. Honestly i was waiting to talk to him before i tried kava as i do value his input! Plus its summer here in Ohio and i have been drinking a few beers, which from what i have read does not mix well. I intend to really start a kava routine after this weekend and cannot wait to report back on how it goes. Thanks for all the advice and comments!
Have you tried kava yet? If so how is the journey going for you?


Kava Curious
Actually @KrunkyMonkey i just mixed up 2 tbsp in 2 cups of water and almond milk, after my first drink it was earthy and my tongue is numb, and thats good!
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Kava Curious
how are you feeling?
Well i have had 2 4oz "shells" at this point and its hard to tell. I definitely feel something, honestly very hard to describe. relaxed but not intoxicated, the numbness went away after just a few minutes...its a pleasant feeling but i have not had very much at this point. And honestly i am not sure at what point to stop. I mean probably another couple 4oz glasses worth since it is my first time? No negative effects in regards to my medications. How long does the feeling typically last after you quit drinking kava?


Kava aficionado
Well i have had 2 4oz "shells" at this point and its hard to tell. I definitely feel something, honestly very hard to describe. relaxed but not intoxicated, the numbness went away after just a few minutes...its a pleasant feeling but i have not had very much at this point. And honestly i am not sure at what point to stop. I mean probably another couple 4oz glasses worth since it is my first time? No negative effects in regards to my medications. How long does the feeling typically last after you quit drinking kava?
And it only gets better from where you are now...My first real full krunk some 10-11 months ago was magical. I had a grin from ear to ear! Keep at it, you'll see :) - No greater feeling imo and I have tried everything else, lol.


Kava Curious
And it only gets better from where you are now...My first real full krunk some 10-11 months ago was magical. I had a grin from ear to ear! Keep at it, you'll see :) - No greater feeling imo and I have tried everything else, lol.
Me as well in regards to trying things..lol..the feeling reminds me very much of the first time i smoked weed...as in your not sure what to expect but you know its fun and you like it..now the feeling is not as strong but very similar as pot has a kinda reverse tolerance the first time you smoke it. Very impressed with this micronized Mahakea from GHK!


Well i have had 2 4oz "shells" at this point and its hard to tell. I definitely feel something, honestly very hard to describe. relaxed but not intoxicated, the numbness went away after just a few minutes...its a pleasant feeling but i have not had very much at this point. And honestly i am not sure at what point to stop. I mean probably another couple 4oz glasses worth since it is my first time? No negative effects in regards to my medications. How long does the feeling typically last after you quit drinking kava?
It really depends, and really keeping the pleasant tone is better than too much. You can't ever get intoxicated in alcohol sense.
You don't have to fear drinking too much. If you start feeling nauseated or cringe from drinking stop, and wait.
The feeling is like being hugged.
The effect from a shell will typically last 40 min to an hour in full effect, but if you drink many shells the effects can last quite long, and the chilled after tones until the next day.
You had 2 Tbl spoons of micro which is a nice dose. Next time you can try 3 in the same amount of liquid and see how it plays.
Good effects first time is a good sign ::shell:::)