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Kava Fact of the Day Kava and Cholesterol.

Wanted to keep noting for you guys what I'm learning and the process. Hoping this may help others. These are my lipid profiles from last physical. and that was 2021. So, these should be a good indicator of some of the values. And these values are after years of drinking Kava.

Cholesterol - Total169.0 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol108.2 mg/dL(<130.0 )
HDL Cholesterol39.0 mg/dL(>39.0 )
Triglycerides109.0 mg/dL(<150.0 )
Chol/HDL ratio4.3(<5.0 )

These numbers seem okay.
I"m learning that it's the inflammatory markers from the bloodwork that are important.

"The three most commonly used inflammatory markers are called C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and plasma viscosity (PV)."

So, I'm going to try to have that done and see what these indicate. IF they are high, may curtail Kava just for a bit to see what that does to those figures. But, I"m not anticipating that. For all I know... The plaque could have gone down from the check that was done years ago. Will talk with doc. But, Just wanted to keep posting findings to help better understand Kava and cholesterol.
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Wanted to keep sharing information discovered with research. I came across this scientific journal article and it's pretty cool.

"A follow-up screening conducted a year after the initial screening found those who had taken Aged Garlic Extract had slowed total plaque accumulation by 80%, reduced soft plaque and demonstrated regression (less plaque on follow-up) for low-attenuation plaque."

Just an update. Got back the most recent cholesterol work. The 2021 lipid panel was good (listed above). This is the 2023
Cholesterol - Total172.0 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol111.2 mg/dL(<130.0 )
HDL Cholesterol38.0 mg/dL(>39.0 )
Triglycerides114.0 mg/dL(<150.0 )
Chol/HDL ratio4.5(<5.0 )

So not bad.. the doc said there was no increase in the MINOR plaque in carotid. I really believe this was from a life of not taking care of myself (55). But, the last 5 years have been great diet and exercise. And 5 years of Kava. So, the Kava hasn't been really affecting my lipids in a negative way. Do need to work on getting my HDL up a bit. So, it's time to drink some shells and be happy.


Gunga la Gunga
Just an update. Got back the most recent cholesterol work. The 2021 lipid panel was good (listed above). This is the 2023
Cholesterol - Total172.0 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol111.2 mg/dL(<130.0 )
HDL Cholesterol38.0 mg/dL(>39.0 )
Triglycerides114.0 mg/dL(<150.0 )
Chol/HDL ratio4.5(<5.0 )

So not bad.. the doc said there was no increase in the MINOR plaque in carotid. I really believe this was from a life of not taking care of myself (55). But, the last 5 years have been great diet and exercise. And 5 years of Kava. So, the Kava hasn't been really affecting my lipids in a negative way. Do need to work on getting my HDL up a bit. So, it's time to drink some shells and be happy.
Thank you for sharing!!
Updates for 2024.. My LDL is up a bit and need to monitor this. No lifestyle changes. 52 years of age

Cholesterol - Total204.0 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol130.8 mg/dL(<130.0 )
HDL Cholesterol47.0 mg/dL(>39.0 )
Triglycerides131.0 mg/dL(<150.0 )
Chol/HDL ratio4.3(<5.0 )
Mid South Internal Medicine
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70-80 g to 1 Liter-Day Dreamer- My Roots Run Deep-
Updates for 2024.. My LDL is up a bit and need to monitor this. No lifestyle changes. 52 years of age

Cholesterol - Total204.0 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol130.8 mg/dL(<130.0 )
HDL Cholesterol47.0 mg/dL(>39.0 )
Triglycerides131.0 mg/dL(<150.0 )
Chol/HDL ratio4.3(<5.0 )
Mid South Internal Medicine
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Theres no question actively drinking kava raises it. Anyone who argues otherwise is being disingenuous. Compared to alot of things kava is relatively harmless. That saying like all herbs like all medicines it has side effects. For gods sake drinking too much water will kill ya. Some day we’ll understand further why it raises cholesterol. With that said, worry will cause more havoc then some high markers on a boood test. Im glad your using prevention measures and assesing risk vs reward. Make sure to savor the relaxation kava brings and take care


The wonderful kava of Oz
Kava Vendor
Australian Importer
Updates for 2024.. My LDL is up a bit and need to monitor this. No lifestyle changes. 52 years of age

Cholesterol - Total204.0 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol130.8 mg/dL(<130.0 )
HDL Cholesterol47.0 mg/dL(>39.0 )
Triglycerides131.0 mg/dL(<150.0 )
Chol/HDL ratio4.3(<5.0 )
Mid South Internal Medicine
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Theres no question actively drinking kava raises it. Anyone who argues otherwise is being disingenuous. Compared to alot of things kava is relatively harmless. That saying like all herbs like all medicines it has side effects. For gods sake drinking too much water will kill ya. Some day we’ll understand further why it raises cholesterol. With that said, worry will cause more havoc then some high markers on a boood test. Im glad your using prevention measures and assesing risk vs reward. Make sure to savor the relaxation kava brings and take care
I agree with you. Not worrying about it too much. But, have kinda turned this into an experiment to better understand why for others. Will continue to share results over time. My cholesterol levels are fairly low. But, this could be a potential problem for someone with really high cholesterol.


Kava aficionado
I think I may be the extreme in this scenario where my cholesterol was already high, I was already overweight and somewhat sedentary. The pandemic didn't help this and now on the other side I do find myself more concerned with my health especially since I'm approaching 50 next year. Like anyone else, I have a unique genetic profile and I am predisposed for high cholesterol because of a genetic condition.

Important factors to note about me, I already have/had high cholesterol, my BMI is already in the undesirable range, and we'll leave that there, lol.

I already take statins and I have been for about 2 years. I drink kava daily and heavily for the most part for the last 10 years. All my doctors are familiar with my kava drinking and none of them think it's a problem they do think I am lazy however and I need to get my butt out the door to exercise, I have already improved my diet. I do have to get the exercise thing under control but for those of you worried about your cholesterol being high I can't say or speak for everyone, but I can conclusively say that kava has improved my life 10X and I will post some results here because I'm due for a physical soon.


Kava Enthusiast
Red rice extract is the mainstream cholester-lowering supplement. There are many others ranging from well known to experimental & obscure.

If HDL/LDL ratio is normal or good, then the slightly elevated cholesterol may not be as bad.

Statins do not seem do be 'very safe' drugs to take, more like 'moderately safe'.

It seems that you may find the references without great difficulty.
I just heard a podcast with a doctor who recently published a book called something like _Lies I Taught in Medical School_. He said the absolute risk reduction from heart attack or stroke is just 1% and statins also can cause diabetes. He said a review of all cause mortality among people taking statins reveals no difference in deaths overall, just a very small percentage of people dying of something else around the same time as other people with heart disease who do not take statins.

Looks like another complete waste of time for patients that makes crazy profits for big pharma.


Kava Enthusiast
Also, the hypothesis that high cholesterol causes heart attacks and strokes has come under scrutiny. Same with amyloid plaques and tau protein tangles with Alzheimer’s. Looks like there is something akin to platelets in that the body is trying to protect an injured or infected area.

With Alzheimer’s, there is no clear evidence of any relationship between the plaques and protein tangles and symptoms. People with tons of plaque have no symptoms and those with symptoms have no plaque. These are not the exceptions but the rules. It’s another marketing ploy disguised as science. The dementia drugs just drag the torturous process out even longer.

On both counts, lifestyle medicine is getting much better results. Look up Drs Dean Ornish and Dale Bredesen. The latter’s program is called Apollo Health. He is criticized for small sample groups but that is a funding problem. He has actually reversed early stage dementias and improved quality of life even for those in late stage.