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Kava for ready to drink beverage


I'm developing a kava based ready to drink beverage for sale, following a couple of decades of enjoying kava at home and when visting/living in Vanuatu. I am experimenting with using kava extract (30%, nonsolvent, watersoluble) but have read some things, including on this forum, about whether using kava extract is a good idea as not enough is known about their effects as opposed to the extensive body of literarture on traditionally prepared kava. Would welcome folks thoughts on this, and whether it is feasible to make ready to drink beverage with the kava powder or instant kava powders out there? If anyone has links to larger-scale reputable suppliers of kava powders or extract, preferable close to where kava is cultivates please let me know (for refrence I am based on the West coast of the US). Thanks!


Kava aficionado
I'm developing a kava based ready to drink beverage for sale, following a couple of decades of enjoying kava at home and when visting/living in Vanuatu. I am experimenting with using kava extract (30%, nonsolvent, watersoluble) but have read some things, including on this forum, about whether using kava extract is a good idea as not enough is known about their effects as opposed to the extensive body of literarture on traditionally prepared kava. Would welcome folks thoughts on this, and whether it is feasible to make ready to drink beverage with the kava powder or instant kava powders out there? If anyone has links to larger-scale reputable suppliers of kava powders or extract, preferable close to where kava is cultivates please let me know (for refrence I am based on the West coast of the US). Thanks!
Honestly, unless you can get direct from Vanuatu, it won't be worth the effort imo. There are already, ready made beverages out there.

Again if you are bringing something new to the table, you are willing to abide by all the regulations to ensure a safe product for your customers, might be a different story, perhaps.


'Awa Grower/Collector
I'm developing a kava based ready to drink beverage for sale, following a couple of decades of enjoying kava at home and when visting/living in Vanuatu. I am experimenting with using kava extract (30%, nonsolvent, watersoluble) but have read some things, including on this forum, about whether using kava extract is a good idea as not enough is known about their effects as opposed to the extensive body of literarture on traditionally prepared kava. Would welcome folks thoughts on this, and whether it is feasible to make ready to drink beverage with the kava powder or instant kava powders out there? If anyone has links to larger-scale reputable suppliers of kava powders or extract, preferable close to where kava is cultivates please let me know (for refrence I am based on the West coast of the US). Thanks!
If you go down to "Kava News" in these Forums you can see what the FDA and State of Hawaii, separately say about extracts.
See " 'Awa Story for Hawai'i ". If you decide to make a beverage from kavalactones extracted from kava, it is not actually kava.
If you make the traditional beverage and flavor it, that would be a different story.


Honestly, unless you can get direct from Vanuatu, it won't be worth the effort imo. There are already, ready made beverages out there.

Again if you are bringing something new to the table, you are willing to abide by all the regulations to ensure a safe product for your customers, might be a different story, perhaps.
Thanks. It's been many years since I last went to Vanuautu. Do you know any suppliers there who can provide quality assured kava for export? Thanks!


If you go down to "Kava News" in these Forums you can see what the FDA and State of Hawaii, separately say about extracts.
See " 'Awa Story for Hawai'i ". If you decide to make a beverage from kavalactones extracted from kava, it is not actually kava.
If you make the traditional beverage and flavor it, that would be a different story.
Thank you ! I read your posts and the documents around this in Hawaii and the FDA, thank you for sharing, very interesting.


I have just begun production on a line of Kava Seltzers also using 30% extract water sol powder. I have done roughly 18 months of R&D. The benefits I have found using the extract vs. traditional biomass are noticed by most users during field sampling. They include no upset stomach for those who get an upset stomach when using traditional medium grind or micronized biomass as well as a quicker onset. The kava flavor is also not as prevalent when using the extract. The kava flavor is still present for sure but no near as prevalent. The label for my seltzers does state they are made using a kava extract. Eventually I plan to release a line of kava beverages using the traditional medium grind biomass. These are just observations from myself as well as roughly a 100 people whom have sampled the seltzer of the last year and a half.


Kava Curious
What seems to be an amazing product from what I have read is TruKava by Cameron George. It seems his quite a humble guy and an amazing advocate and embassitor for kava use and has had actual experiences on using kava for his deliberating auto immune disorder and benzodiazpine addiction in which kava saved his life and got him off alot of addictive pharmaceuticals. Some really good podcasts with Dave aspery and he talks about his carbonated kava beverage amongst many other things regarding kava. I have learned so much things about the science and pharmacology properties of Kava listening to him.


Kava aficionado
What seems to be an amazing product from what I have read is TruKava by Cameron George. It seems his quite a humble guy and an amazing advocate and embassitor for kava use and has had actual experiences on using kava for his deliberating auto immune disorder and benzodiazpine addiction in which kava saved his life and got him off alot of addictive pharmaceuticals. Some really good podcasts with Dave aspery and he talks about his carbonated kava beverage amongst many other things regarding kava. I have learned so much things about the science and pharmacology properties of Kava listening to him.
I don't want to continue to be the thorn on this thread but there is a distinct difference between kava and a kavalactone extract, calling an extract kava is incorrect and while he may advocate for kava. Real kava is dried root that is subsequently ground down and mixed with water. That is the beverage (and only beverage) that has been around for millennia.

Various forms of kavalactone beverages have become popular over the last 4-5 years and have created a small market, within an already small market (for lazy Americans, quite honestly lol) who can't stomach drinking kava, which isn't at all that bad.

It is not just about picking on something different or newer but there is an distinct difference in effects as well. Kava is almost multidimensional, kava beverages have stripped away any soul or essence of what once was an amazing plant. It lacks depth and therefore most kavalactone beverages, candies, tinctures, etc, are always short-lived, effects may hit hard for 20 - 30 minutes and that is it.

You pay more to get less and then wonder why you need to drink so much more of the expensive "kava beverage".


Kava Curious
Definitely makes sense Groggy. I have to ageee that notthing will ever come as close to good old warm water mixed directly with the root. As hard as im finding it to drink, I must push through as the effects are well worth it.....


Kava aficionado
Definitely makes sense Groggy. I have to ageee that notthing will ever come as close to good old warm water mixed directly with the root. As hard as im finding it to drink, I must push through as the effects are well worth it.....
Try to make it the traditional way and use cool water, don't listen to my advice 3+ years ago. I was wrong.

Use cold/cool water only, the notion you are loosing any strength because the water is not warm or hot is ridiculous. The taste is a million times better when using cool/cold water.


Kava Curious
Oh wow, that definitely will help! That warmth feeling when I'm gulping down a shell is something I have never experienced in my life!

Cold water is for tonight's session

P.S it seems root and pestles Borongoru has been my favourite so far however I've had some hangover type symptoms whenever I have it. Mental slowness, little dizzy, mild nausea and a slight headache.

I don't want to stop thr Borongoru as it's really helping my anxiety and has stopped my from drinking alcohol, (3 weeks sober today!)
It also helps me not taking any extra benzodiazpine doses than my usal 1mg of clonazapam I have been taking daily for over 10 years.

I really do prefer the Borongoru over the Kelai as in terms of effect and feelings. (My head just spins to much with the Kelai)

I think i might be dehydrated, I try have a glass of water in between sheels but I think i might go to the pharmacy and grab some liquid iv packets as there on sale and have one of those before I hit the pillow and hopefully that will help with someof the hangover?

I'm also having about 40g a session, is that to much? Maybe do 35g which will be about 3-4 shells spaces out about 45min apart.
Just really enjoying the DHK/DHM feelings and benifits from this cutivater