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kava for social anxiety

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This has been a new issue for me the past few years, I've been dealing with social anxiety since 2003 and in the past as soon as I would remove myself from the social element I would stabilize but the past few years every conversation every word becomes a broken record in my head for a day or two after the Dr says they think GAD on top of SAD has developed.
I'm not any kind of doctor. But I am a mental patient. lol. What you are describing sounds a lot like obsessive thoughts more than anxiety. For me, what helps a lot for that is a low dose of Risperdal, which is an "antipsychotic" (although I'm not psychotic lol--low doses of them are used for anxiety and depression) Another med that is helpful for many with that symptom is SSRI antidepressants. I know this is a kava forum, not a psych meds forum. But for some problems, kava may not be the most helpful thing. Of course both SSRIs and antipsychotics do have associated side effects and potential problems... but it might be worth talking to a psychiatrist if you are not already.
EDIT: Duh, you said "the Dr.." so obviously you are already seeing a psychiatrist. Sorry

Kava Steve

I can't even go to the veterans clinic for normal medical issues without them trying to force some other type of psych meds on me, I found kava in my search for all natural ways of therapy because it seems like every drug they prescribe screws me up even more. Kava has been helping up until yesterday, sleep helps when I can get to sleep but I was so wound up yesterday it was difficult to get there... Racing heart, racing thoughts, sweaty hands, feeling like a couldn't breath. I normally only take a couple tablespoons of Nene to pass out but yesterday it took 5 tablespoons to get me relaxed enough to sleep.

Kava Steve

p.s. I have a P&T (permanent and total) disability rating from the VA I have had a number of psychiatrists over the years and many psych evals with diagnosis's of Social Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Severe Sleep Apnea (Sleep Study), and moderate PTSD. When lack of sleep starts catching up with me is when everything gets worse by what I have read its a form of anxiety induced psychosis that the best way of managing anxiety is being well rested and when you mix sleep deprivation with anxiety for long periods of time you get the replay of thoughts. Its not the same thing as true psychosis because you are still in touch with reality but it is not a fun place to be which is why I use kava to help me sleep better
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