Bula To Eternity
Could you elaborate what you mean by the effects you have with "various" strains?Kava is absolutely an appetite suppressant, some strains more than others.
That's the problem with not being scientific. I didn't change my habits drastically when I started adding Kava root powder, but I did (for a little bit) blend bananas with my grog (and then stopped). I also added more flax seed (which has fat) to my diet for extra fiber. Any of these changes (plus other unidentified ones) could possibly account for my gain. So I don't so much want to blame Kava for it but want to try and understand Kava enough to rule it out or at least take it's dietary effects into account for my diet.I suppose if you ate incredibly ridiculously for breakfast and lunch you could still pack on pounds with kava...but it seems to me like it would really take some effort.