Nicky B
Hi, everyone! I've been a moderate Kava user for about three years. I'm new to growing Kava and about a year ago I ordered a live plant, which arrived in good shape, but since then it consistently has problems. I can provide photos, but I'm currently at work. I wanted to get this typed out while I had a moment. The main problem is that the plant seems to never grow larger. When new growth separates from the stalk, an older leaf begins to die off. It starts by getting brown around the outside of the leaf before turning completely brown and falling off. I'm a pretty experienced gardener, so I've been through and treated for all of the usual suspects. Spider mites, Aphids, fungal infections, etc. and the treatment doesn't seem to be helping at all. One thing I find strange is that the main stalk has all of these small black dot/stains on them. This has been a problem for the entire year that I've had it, so you can imagine my excitement when I found out that this forum existed. I really hope someone here can help me because I'm at my wit's end with this. Appreciate any tips, tricks, or insights that y'all could give.