You can do it without the Soxhlet extractor. It might not be as efficient. The boiling point of a water/alcohol mixture is less than the boiling point of water, so you would not be able to heat it to the water bp. Also you would not want to have your solvent actually boiling, unless you have a way of recovering the solvent that evaporates off (like the Soxhlet does). So heat it to just below the bp of the mixture, which for 50/50 ethanol/water would be approximately halfway between the boiling points of water (100 C) and ethanol (78 C), or about 89 C (=192 F)
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You would need some way to maintain and monitor the temperature, like a heating pad and an accurate thermometer. A heating pad that can power a magnetic stir bar would probably be a good idea, so you can let it stir for a long time while maintaining an even temperature.
(This kind of thing:
Amazon product)
After extracting, you would then need to filter the solids out using the finest micron filter you can get. You can get 5 micron filters from Duda Diesel.
Amazon product