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KT botanicals


Kava Curious
I only operate online.  A storefront would get all sorts of people wandering through the door asking bluelight type questions.  I don't want to deal with that sort of thing.

My Kava bar is called, "The Root of Happiness".  Its in Sacramento.  I will be doing a grand opening in 1 months time.  I'll take pics for you guys so you can see the place.  A lot of love went into making it a nice place to drink high quality Kava.  I even have fresh frozen stuff from Adil and a few other farms. =)


Huh, I had never heard of KTB until now. Thanks for the all the informative posts, Tyler, and I appreciate what you're doing. Hope you stick around.

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Ty, THE ROOT OF HAPINESS Is a lovely name! Email me - relax at paradisekava . Com since I'm kicking it in India right now, and later Nepal, and perhaps travel East after that hopefully.

The Paradise Kava office will send you what you need.

As for "^ I like this guy more every time he opens his mouth. ^"

I felt the same way. His girl was surprised we had not met before the time we had lunch, since we spoke of things very few people know or care to discuss. Like speaking a foreign language, but in English. Man after my own heart.


Kava Curious
Buddhacide said:
Soooo, where were the fat children going Tyler, if not in your generator?



Haha yes, this is exactly the thought process.  In many tribal cultures, they realize that the universe is a system of cycles in which all of the infinite possibilities are carried out.  Therefore, anything that might happen or could happen is treated as though it already has happened and they respond accordingly.  So from their point of view, where else could the fat children have gone?  Its possible that he's done this, and the universe is the culmination of all possibilities, therefore he must have done this.  Compounding this, groupthink is HUGE in tribal culture lol its quite the  fad.  Its pretty much essential for cohesiveness among the tribes and rarely will members question the ideas (no matter how crazy) of the elders.  This makes witch hunts commonplace.

Deleted User,

Its incredibly frustrating.  I can either be on one side or the other; A vendor, or an author.  Even if I wrote a book or database, they would consider it marketing material for my products.  I've posed this theoretical question to them as well.  This was the issue that they took up with Rain-Tree.  Dr. Taylor removed all information from the products listings and created a separate database which didn't even link back to her retail store, but since it was her writings and she was connected to both, they still considered the database as promotion of her materials.  It has to be an organization or individual totally unconnected to the business, or else I have to choose one or the other vendor or author.  Since no one really wants to listen to someone like myself talk about botanicals as much as they want first hand experience with them, I choose to be a vendor rather than an author.  Although I do have my private collection of writings which I will release when I decide to exit the distribution side of things.


Kava Enthusiast
I'm actually sort of curious, were fat children actually disappearing from neighboring villages around the time you were receiving these accusations? Or did they just assume that fat children were the only logical source of fuel? Which begs the question, were the villagers themselves using their own fat children for heat?


Kava Curious
I don't think they even thought that far into it honestly. I don't think they even thought to do a headcount. They just came up with the idea that it was a possibility and just like that - boom - it was happening in their minds. So the first thing that popped into their heads as to why this might be occurring, was me and my generator, which funny enough we were using to power the water pump for the brand new shiny 400ft deep well and water tower that we installed so that everyone in the surrounding area had fresh drinking water. It was an eye opening experience.


Kava Enthusiast
I would have had some fun with that rumor, had it been me.

I may be a bad person though ;)