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I love Kava My new infatuation!


Hello all! I’m fairly new to kava; my friend introduced me to it a few months ago. He makes his own kava at home and taught me to make my own too. Since then, another friend has accused me of “addiction,” and I know kava definitely isn’t physically addictive. What I would describe it as is an infatuation. It’s similar to the “honeymoon phase” of a romantic relationship or marriage. It’s all in my head…but I’m kind of obsessed!

So the taste is definitely unique…but I like it! It reminds me of ginger, but in liquid form. I love earthy flavors. Ginger is awesome. Ginger ale, ginger paste in Asian food, etc. And I love that tingly feeling on the lips! I know some people say it numbs their tongue, but for me it’s my lips, not my tongue.

I love the social and cultural aspects of #KavaKulture. It’s like going out to drink with your buddies, but instead of going to a normal bar that’s rowdy and full of drunks, you go to a super chill lounge and still have fun with friends, but in a more classy way. I love the shells. I love the bulas. I love the chill music in the background.

And don’t even get me started on the health benefits! I’ll be honest, I still drink booze on occasion, but not nearly as often. If a friend asks me out to the bar for beers, I’ll go. If I’m going to a house party, I’ll still buy a six pack to share. But I don’t think I’ve ever bought myself a bottle of liquor since I started drinking kava. Why would I? If I’m home and want to relax, why do a shot of Jack if I can do a shell of kava? The former kills brain cells; the latter doesn’t. Too much alcohol gives you a hangover; kava doesn’t. Yes, they feel different, but if I just want a nice and relaxing and somewhat euphoric feeling, kava is the way to go. Booze makes me want to smoke; kava doesn’t. If I go out (or stay in) for drinks and have more than two, I risk having another seizure, and the more I drink, the more I increase that risk. But with kava, it’s the opposite! I might actually prevent a seizure from having one too many shells…it’s almost too good to be true! And the reverse tolerance…it’s like the polar opposite of alcohol. Drinking more is healthier, but drinking less makes you feel it more. Whoa.

The first kava bar just opened in my town. The kava there is hella expensive, but I still plan on going there once every week or two. And when I’m tight on cash, I’ve always got my pantry stocked with stone ground kava powder to make my own.

Which reminds me of another cool benefit! I can make my own kava, and it’s actually fun! I can’t make my own beer. Brewing kava is almost as therapeutic as drinking it. Squeezing and kneading the kava bag is just so nice. It’s like you can take out any pent up aggression on that bag! And I can play with ratios and make it as strong or as light as I want it. I can also play with different types of water and liquids. I’ve found that coconut water is great with kava. It accentuates that tropical flavor.

So yes, I guess you can call me a kava “addict.” But who cares? Have you ever been addicted to your spouse or to your job? Isn’t that a good thing? Who in their right mind *wouldn’t* be addicted to kava? If you aren’t, you probably just haven’t tried it yet!

Kava addicts unite! Bula!