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NEW Coconut Cream Kava Candy is here!!!


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
First time trying the candies. The coconut cream flavor is outstanding, and the effects curiously strong (feel free to use that as a marketing blurb....oh, wait). I am an admitted lightweight, and after reading an old Steve Mariotti review where he consumed an unreal amount of them, thought one would be a relatively mild if even noticeable experience. I was wrong. These candies are legit. I'll be purchasing more in the future. Great tool for the stress arsenal.
so awesome and glad they work and you are liking the taste!


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
I LOVE the coconut flavor. Eating fruit between shells doesn’t do much for me but I found the coconut hits straight away and cleanses the palette nicely - with the added bonus of keeping the kava going a little longer. And YES YES YES to the dragonfruit!!!!
thanks @kilakila ! you been a big supporter of the years and appreciate it. every little bit helps to keep the kava going...lol :)


Kava aficionado
Ordered Saturday, got them today. I love this flavor, I may like this more than the orange flavor, I had 2 to kick off the afternoon and they kicked right in!


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
awesome so glad you like the new flavor....i have been playing around with the coconut orange cream combo! lol. Yes, THE DAY AFTER kicks things back into gear :). Nitrous kavalactoxide


Kava Enthusiast
I love them, they just make me super thirsty.
Does that happen with anyone else ?
If so, do you just keep a glass of water around, or how else do you alleviate it ?
Steve - does the promo code you posted no longer work? I'm trying to order some now and would love to use the promo code to try the coconut flavor! Thank you :)