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New to kava plz help


So I'm new to kava. I've never tried it before but I want to try it. I've been doing alot of research about kava and found that I would probably like a more heady kava more then anything. My budget is $70 but cheaper might be better. Also yes again I want to try a strong heady kava. I don't mind the taist. Any recommendations?


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
In my experience a lot of people researching kava come to the conclusion that they need a very heady kava but in practice I find people tend to prefer using a heavy kava in the evening, sleeping really well and getting anti anxiety effects into the next day. A lot of people, not everyone of course, find that heady kavas cause a certain amount of jitteriness and anxiety along with restlessness leading to a poor sleep. Usually the opposite of what they are looking for!

I wouldn't completely put you off trying a heady kava first but just bear in mind that the above is a possibility. In any event you will notice the heady kavalactones first as it takes a bit of time longer to get used to heavy kavas. You do need to give it a fair go rather than just trying a small bag before you make a decision. I'd be interested to find out how you get on and what you think after trying it.