jman, thats why you should use kava so you can relieve enough anxiety to enable you to watch our fearless leader.
Im kinda dissapointed no one mentioned using tudei kava, like ISA, for pain relief.
Probably to avoid drama. I totally respect that. So I shall simply say it: I don't know what specific root El Monato(SP) Sells. They simply don't know. Maybe it is a Isa, May it is not I've asked them because it's awesome stuff ^_^. So I shall guess it MIGHT be. They honestly didn't know. FWIW. It;s It taste like dirt+nut meg. It might simply be mix that tastes like dirt and nutmeg.
So I shall guess and simply say it. From photos and descriptions La Montanita(SP it's got a unlated N) sells/Sold Something that has Isa in the mix. It's got characteristic YogiTea dirt+spice+nutmeg smell and feel. Since it's likely a Isa, it'd be great for them to own that, and label it. For one thing then I'd know what to look at amazon or WholeAmazon or TraderJoes etc that's been pleasent and helpful for my TechNech. It's also just the done thing to label your stuff.
For me on it's own it's hit and mis for my TechNech. But small to medium amount with my regular meds it's been helpful for managing anxieity. If this morning when I was having a flare up is any indication it's helpful. I don't think i'd want much more, Or I wouldn't be able to do anything...nothing productive anyway lol. It leads me to a happly silly, relaxed place, but clearheadish place. Yet such that I can still do things.
My experience as a concrete example of Kava being helpful it in its own way was how friday and Sunday I had a nasty flare up of TechNech. El-Manata Local KavaBrandKava on its own was not all that helpful. However, it certainly seemed to help the Methocarbinal me and the doctor are trying to work a little better. In that it lead to a nice silly happy, yet alert enough place to be able to still do clean the house, get some spiderwebing for halloween. I could also start, re-starting the web side to a play-nice-together place. As a concrete example I tried out SimplePress a forum and chat plugin for wordpress, Comparing that to dedicated chat and forum software.
My experience do far is is that KavaKava helps suff work better. LOL I shall just say it: Donald was and still is a nutbar. And what gamers call a troll. He seems to be surounded bout 500 Ahole trolls. And NOTHING 500 or so bickering jerks at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has gone well this year.
I am trying to manage chronic nerve and inflmation issues, start a company, and muddle along the best a I know. Yet those 500 something NutBars I think are auditioning to be Zombies, and trying out for the Sith Acolyte Global Chaos Team. Their First Order of Business? Chaos and Mayhem between the Ministers of Korea, Britain, Scotland and the US.
(Thank you thank you I'll stop posting now.)