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Nutribullet opinions


Kava aficionado
KWK's little 2oz. bottles of concentrate are pretty close to that. I just pour it over Ice and add water. It's very tasty at least the guava version is.
I haven't tried the other flavor as yet.
Yeah, but picture a 2oz shot 5x stronger :), I love KWK's travel bottle don't get me wrong but a stronger version would be sweet.

I am placing a thank you order for myself this Friday, I want to try the kavarita as part of it. :)


Kava Enthusiast
Yeah I gotta cop to that as well, when I open a 10oz bottle it never sees another day.
Call me crazy but I like standing there kneading the kava, it's sort of therapeutic for me. In the beginning I blended but if I am not using the aluball, I love to knead and knead to love.
You've inspired me. I'm doing traditional prep tonight.