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Question to all members regarding new forum idea.

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
OK, this is a "crazy, but just so crazy it might work."

Go to your library (or at least your library's online card catalog) and check out anything in the Great Courses series.  E.g., Neil Degrasse Tyson's "My Favorite Universe."  Rather than have Dr. Lebot answer endless questions about kava, a lecture series through Great Courses on the biology, cultivation, economics, etc. of kava is something we could all sit down and watch every February 15th.

I'd do it myself, I passed Botany 150 with an A+, but somehow I think he has more "street cred" than a guy who just learned how to use Google last week.


Ozia - KavaKava Candy
Kava Vendor
Krunkedout - I hear ya...well put.  Your post put a smile on my face because it reminded me of the Direct TV commercial: Don't reenact scenes from Platoon with Charlie Sheen!

Yes - perhaps the full hammer has not been seen yet meaning making kava completely illegal in the states, but I have had some friends who were growing and went out of business and lost their livelihood (these people definitely felt the hammer and felt it hard).  Kava users might be able to grow their own crop or get from places that currently grow for trade but also felt it by waiting for good kava to be ready.

On another note, I know someone who works directly with Lebot.  If we were to talk with him, what is the main focal point of getting him on the forum?  (just want to make sure I understand the intent correctly :)

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
paradisekava said:
I'd like to distill some of the great points made.
- Doug, what say you?
- Let's figure out some legally "safe" way to present this forum, disclaimers, etc. Personally think it's important to keep it on the up and up as much as possible.  
- Pacifist Mods. Pretty good idea.
- Trolls can be banned unless they behave.
- No other talk of anything other than Kava, unless made in reference to Kava or somehow trying kava use or NO use to that particular substance. Did I get this right?
- I'd personally like a section where Kava Research is posted since there is some wonderful stuff out there which debunks the liver toxicity thing along with so so much more.
- Kapm, unless you want to pay for it, count us in for whatever amount you wish us to shoulder. Also, I'm pretty sure we can do a fund raiser to get this done RIGHT. Maybe some custom coding to make it look sweeter than the regular V Bulletin. Just a thought. Again, these little things add to the legitimacy of kava when a newbie wanders upon the board.
- Maybe we can have a section where pictures of the various cultivars can be posted. videos etc. Guess that is a much later step.

Please add to this list/ comment on ideas which can use further clear thinking.

- A.G
Absolutely. I'm 100% with you.
- Legitimacy, legality and appearance are paramount. - Research section is a must. - No discussions of other substances.- Moderators are to be benevolent. It's a bit of a given, as a bullying moderator would be outed by forum members and quickly removed.- In the unlikely event of an unruly member they can be warned, or consequently banned if necessary, but I don't see it being necessary....hopefully. You never know.
In the vBulletin you can add photos to a section, and I believe with their latest version you can link your Facebook into the board. If we did this I'd love to get it professionally made, as with putting any foot forward with kava I only wish it to be our best foot. If that's not cost effective, vBulletin is quite easy to edit as it's all through a graphical interface. I purchased hosting from inmotion and for cyber Monday it was $10 for a total year. So we're covered for a year on hosting if we do it. If anyone wants to chip in towards the cost of the software (vBulletin) I'd be elated by that. If not, it's not a problem :)
If we were to go with this we would most definitely be calling on kava vendors for experience and advice towards legal disclaimers. This is doable. Definitely doable.


Kava Enthusiast
I think a great way to present the forum would be to break it into several distinct subforums.

Like one for history of kava and cultural aspects of kava as they relate to the peoples that have been enjoying it peacefully and responsibly for centuries.

Another would be for health and I think a sticky thread that totally debunked the FDA's liver propaganda, then people discussing various scenerios about how kava helped them in some type of therapeutic fashion.

A science and research section where the unique pharmacalogical actions of kavalactones could be discussed as they are somewhat vague and open to debate and interpretation, in addition to the countless research oppotunities that kava presents.

A preparation and responsible use section, where we could all share various recipes and such and also discuss the safety aspects like not mixing with alcohol or driving while krunk.

Then a strain review and vendor section where we do what we do alot on here, it would just have it's subforum and even suppliers would have their sub-sub forums. Possibly a sticky could be made to avoid kona, it sounds douchy but mabye if they got officially called out they may put some pride into their kava and produce decent products.

Mabye a member meet and greet area where we could discuss ourselves and regional goings on, local kava bars or festivals. Possibly a root-head personals or dating section, but we would need a bigger community for that.

A like/reputation system as well if possible...

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Steve said:
On another note, I know someone who works directly with Lebot.  If we were to talk with him, what is the main focal point of getting him on the forum?  (just want to make sure I understand the intent correctly :)  
Mostly, I have the intuition that it would be immaculately cool.  Sort of like having Neil Degrasse Tyson on an astrophysics forum.  Perhaps it would be overkill.

As an autistic, I do this thing called "perseveration."  A perseveration is something stronger than a hobby, but not an obsession.  It's the sort of thing that inspires people to spend $1k+ on model train sets, to attend Star Trek conventions in costumes, to memorize endless facts about X, Y, or Z.  When I started using kava, I didn't become addicted or dependent in any real sense of the word, but I did become perseverant.  I read everything on the Kavasseur review blog until I realized I could never keep up financially with all those different kava strains, especially as I have the habit of buying the biggest lot I can afford in order to reduce the overall cost-per-shell.  I read everything in the public library system on the subject, and I obtained and am now on my fourth re-reading of "Kava, the Pacific Elixir."  I even converted to a modified, somewhat silly but deeply devout form of the John Frum Movement.  Whenever I pass a world map, I look for Vanuatu.

In 2002, Lebot scraped his existing presentation idea for the 'awa in 2002 a Research Update, after drinking some excellent kava and presented instead his ideas on the Future of Kava.  Now, 10 years after Hammerfell, we want to know once again what he sees as the Future of Kava, and how we Nortern Hemisphere consumers can be a vital part of that picture.


Kava Enthusiast
new2kava said:
I think a great way to present the forum would be to break it into several distinct subforums.

Like one for history of kava and cultural aspects of kava as they relate to the peoples that have been enjoying it peacefully and responsibly for centuries.

Another would be for health and I think a sticky thread that totally debunked the FDA's liver propaganda, then people discussing various scenerios about how kava helped them in some type of therapeutic fashion.

A science and research section where the unique pharmacalogical actions of kavalactones could be discussed as they are somewhat vague and open to debate and interpretation, in addition to the countless research oppotunities that kava presents.

A preparation and responsible use section, where we could all share various recipes and such and also discuss the safety aspects like not mixing with alcohol or driving while krunk.

Then a strain review and vendor section where we do what we do alot on here, it would just have it's subforum and even suppliers would have their sub-sub forums. Possibly a sticky could be made to avoid kona, it sounds douchy but mabye if they got officially called out they may put some pride into their kava and produce decent products.

Mabye a member meet and greet area where we could discuss ourselves and regional goings on, local kava bars or festivals. Possibly a root-head personals or dating section, but we would need a bigger community for that.

A like/reputation system as well if possible...
I like the sentiment but I would be careful with sectioning out.
As an example, I used to spend a lot of time on a forum for a large group of people who all played on a team within a web game. That forum just had one big area for all topics and an "Archive" subforum, which was a place to put undesirable or finished topics without deleting them (possibly what we would want to do for discussions of other drugs). Anyway, an OCD Admin came in who loved organization and disliked all the silly topics within the coordination and planning topics. So he broke the forum out into an area for newbies to introduce themselves, an area for coordination, an area for silliness, etc.
The end result was the death of that team. The silly people mostly stayed in the silly subforum, gradually lost the desire to make the effort to check the coordination forum to find out what the team was doing, then quit. The people who were serious about the game never crossed over to silliness, making participating in the team... not fun. Worst of all potential new recruits landed on the page, saw a list of subforums and bounced, where before they landed and were enticed to explore a bit by the quick access to a lively and diverse set of topics.
The underlying behavior causing all this (from years of user testing mind you) is that people want stuff to come to them, they don't want to have to go get it. If you ask a user whether it's better to have nice clean categorization that they have to click through, or just give them everything and they have to scan through it by eye, the vast majority of the time they just want it all and will glance through it to decide what they do and don't care about. They hate digging. It makes regular usage more painful and causes new visitors to shy away.
It's kind of like an office with high cube walls separating everyone out... not much conversation going on, not much intermingling. If feels stifling and it is, and when you walk into a place like that you want to walk right back out. That's why the collaborative creative agencies around the states go with open floors where colleagues are in eye-shot and ear-shot, with intermingled disciplines.  The web is the same. If you want to be welcoming, keep it open.
I don't know if it's possible with any forums out there, but what tends to work better than categorizing things and forcing people to dig, is somehow tagging and allowing filtering, especially if you can provide pre-defined filter options that make it no-think one click to filter to what you desire..
For this forum I could see forcing topic tagging with in the original post (not replies). You write your post, click the topic that's appropriate or go with a generic one, post it... then for a visitor coming in they would default see everything with one-click filters to "Research," "Introductions," etc. 
Seems almost insignificant in the difference, but it really does matter.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Ed said:
I don't know if it's possible with any forums out there, but what tends to work better than categorizing things and forcing people to dig, is somehow tagging and allowing filtering, especially if you can provide pre-defined filter options that make it no-think one click to filter to what you desire..
For this forum I could see forcing topic tagging with in the original post (not replies). You write your post, click the topic that's appropriate or go with a generic one, post it... then for a visitor coming in they would default see everything with one-click filters to "Research," "Introductions," etc. 
Seems almost insignificant in the difference, but it really does matter.
That is brilliant. I definitely see your point there. Do you feel the same way with the current board being what it is? Like, if you had to re-do the forum we use now would you go with the same idea? That's really interesting, I love reading that kind of thing. It's like pointing a microscope down into the human psyche. My only concern would be what kind of resources would you need to code such a site. 
We could do something similar to your idea while also keeping a section which is very devoted to archiving and organizing information regarding kava, its use, history, cultivation, health effects, etc. I was thinking of this being almost like a forum/repository for research information and a place for kava vendors to be in direct contact with customers. Very similar to what is in place now, but more intensive on the data.
And new2kava there most certainly is the like/reputation system. It's built in at the start.


Kava Enthusiast
Kapmcrunk said:
...if you had to re-do the forum we use now would you go with the same idea? 
Hmm, I guess I probably would. I rarely go into the vendor pages, but it seems like they are the same kinds of threads going on in here. We post reviews of vendor-specific stuff in here and in there, vendors themselves double post deals and news both in here and in there. The big value I see in the sub-forum is being able to directly converse with those vendors, but I don't see why they couldn't follow a tag just as easily as a sub-forum. So yeah, I guess I would.


Kava Enthusiast
new2kava said:
If it goes viral and the "harm reduction" crowd gets and there and starts trolling and talking about crazy K@/kava rectal use combos and blasting some bath salts to boot (as they will), I'll pretty much just peace out.

LOL!!!!! foreal through

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Resurrecting this post from the dead.

It's done.

Integrated chat, user moderated internal wiki that we can all contribute to, access to create polls, and media centered threads. Vendor moderated subforums for promotions all in one spot per vendor, stellar spam control, mobile forum ability via tapatalk and mobile web browsers, oh and app centered mobile chat ability via cometchat. All wrapped in a squeaky clean layout.


Of course Prince Philip will be made a moderator immediately upon signing up, as well as Doug. Both still will have an ultimate say in anything that goes down, but I had to take this upon myself. We need an updated place to converse.

Also, I'm willing to shell out as much as $500 to hire a coder to rip the yuku forums over to the new xenforo forums if Doug will allow it. I think they need to get into the coding in yuku, but you can't do it unless you've got all the credentials.

Anyways, tell me what you think. This is for everyone.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
Kapm. I am a programmer by trade, I'll be happy to scrape the posts and move them over pro bono if thats what everyone wants to do. Looks like there is no API for Yuku so it'd probably be a fairly low tech effort, but doable.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Holy crap, heck yeah! It was the only task I was facing that was seemingly impossible to me.


Kava Curious
New forum looks very nice.  

Time to move the content over :)

P.S.  I am also a programmer and do other things like networking and server administration.

If ya need any help, let me know :)

Also, if you want cheap hosting, look at digital ocean.  @ 5$ a server, a month, you cant go wrong. 

You could set up 3 servers, 1 to load balance to the other two, or one, and use the other as a hot spare.

Anyway, let me know if you need any help.


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro

(smiley: grin) Sorry...couldn't help it.

Hip-hip-Huzzah kavadude and calvincs! Hip-hip-Huzzah!