Prince Philip
Duke of Edinborogu
How do we get Vince Lebot to post?
Already have ideas for thatPrince Philip said:How do we get Vince Lebot to post?
Absolutely. I'm 100% with you.paradisekava said:I'd like to distill some of the great points made.
- Doug, what say you?
- Let's figure out some legally "safe" way to present this forum, disclaimers, etc. Personally think it's important to keep it on the up and up as much as possible.
- Pacifist Mods. Pretty good idea.
- Trolls can be banned unless they behave.
- No other talk of anything other than Kava, unless made in reference to Kava or somehow trying kava use or NO use to that particular substance. Did I get this right?
- I'd personally like a section where Kava Research is posted since there is some wonderful stuff out there which debunks the liver toxicity thing along with so so much more.
- Kapm, unless you want to pay for it, count us in for whatever amount you wish us to shoulder. Also, I'm pretty sure we can do a fund raiser to get this done RIGHT. Maybe some custom coding to make it look sweeter than the regular V Bulletin. Just a thought. Again, these little things add to the legitimacy of kava when a newbie wanders upon the board.
- Maybe we can have a section where pictures of the various cultivars can be posted. videos etc. Guess that is a much later step.
Please add to this list/ comment on ideas which can use further clear thinking.
- A.G
Mostly, I have the intuition that it would be immaculately cool. Sort of like having Neil Degrasse Tyson on an astrophysics forum. Perhaps it would be overkill.Steve said:On another note, I know someone who works directly with Lebot. If we were to talk with him, what is the main focal point of getting him on the forum? (just want to make sure I understand the intent correctly![]()
I like the sentiment but I would be careful with sectioning out.new2kava said:I think a great way to present the forum would be to break it into several distinct subforums.
Like one for history of kava and cultural aspects of kava as they relate to the peoples that have been enjoying it peacefully and responsibly for centuries.
Another would be for health and I think a sticky thread that totally debunked the FDA's liver propaganda, then people discussing various scenerios about how kava helped them in some type of therapeutic fashion.
A science and research section where the unique pharmacalogical actions of kavalactones could be discussed as they are somewhat vague and open to debate and interpretation, in addition to the countless research oppotunities that kava presents.
A preparation and responsible use section, where we could all share various recipes and such and also discuss the safety aspects like not mixing with alcohol or driving while krunk.
Then a strain review and vendor section where we do what we do alot on here, it would just have it's subforum and even suppliers would have their sub-sub forums. Possibly a sticky could be made to avoid kona, it sounds douchy but mabye if they got officially called out they may put some pride into their kava and produce decent products.
Mabye a member meet and greet area where we could discuss ourselves and regional goings on, local kava bars or festivals. Possibly a root-head personals or dating section, but we would need a bigger community for that.
A like/reputation system as well if possible...
That is brilliant. I definitely see your point there. Do you feel the same way with the current board being what it is? Like, if you had to re-do the forum we use now would you go with the same idea? That's really interesting, I love reading that kind of thing. It's like pointing a microscope down into the human psyche. My only concern would be what kind of resources would you need to code such a site.Ed said:I don't know if it's possible with any forums out there, but what tends to work better than categorizing things and forcing people to dig, is somehow tagging and allowing filtering, especially if you can provide pre-defined filter options that make it no-think one click to filter to what you desire..
For this forum I could see forcing topic tagging with in the original post (not replies). You write your post, click the topic that's appropriate or go with a generic one, post it... then for a visitor coming in they would default see everything with one-click filters to "Research," "Introductions," etc.
Seems almost insignificant in the difference, but it really does matter.
Hmm, I guess I probably would. I rarely go into the vendor pages, but it seems like they are the same kinds of threads going on in here. We post reviews of vendor-specific stuff in here and in there, vendors themselves double post deals and news both in here and in there. The big value I see in the sub-forum is being able to directly converse with those vendors, but I don't see why they couldn't follow a tag just as easily as a sub-forum. So yeah, I guess I would.Kapmcrunk said:...if you had to re-do the forum we use now would you go with the same idea?
new2kava said:If it goes viral and the "harm reduction" crowd gets and there and starts trolling and talking about crazy K@/kava rectal use combos and blasting some bath salts to boot (as they will), I'll pretty much just peace out.
LOL!!!!! foreal through
HA, thats awesomeVekta said:(image) Sorry...couldn't help it.
Hip-hip-Huzzah kavadude and calvincs! Hip-hip-Huzzah!