Krunkie McKrunkface
Kava Connoisseur
where I used to live in West Africa people valued religion highly and would have as many as possible. My own experience shows you can experience the benefits of religion without the religion having to be true, so I don't worry about it. Also, pretty much any religion will do, choose the one that fits your personality and lifestyle.I am convinced that religions really do exist. There's a church just down the road from my house!
Now are they true? I don't think so, but I'm not going to argue with people over it. Living in the deep south, I've learned that there are two things you NEVER want to get into an argument over: college football and religion.
FWIW, I am a low-church Anglican mystic. Seriously, it's a thing, has been for almost 500 years. The most famous one was the poet John Donne. Our most famous book is "Practical Mysticism: A Little Book for Normal People," available free online . It's about the least mystical thing you could ever imagine, though. Bit of a misnomer. It's more like being an atheist who believes in God, just to be obnoxious about things. Oddly, I've never met another low-church Anglican mystic. It's not like we gaggle.