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Reverse tolerance



I need less kava to get krunk. I'm getting krunk but the experience isn't 3D anymore. It's more like 2D. What should I do?


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
I need less kava to get krunk. I'm getting krunk but the experience isn't 3D anymore. It's more like 2D. What should I do?
You're using an uncommon and particular wording about a subjective experience that really only makes sense to you. But, if you're saying you're still getting inebriated from kava but it lacks 'magic', euphoria or little something special, here are some things to consider:
  • You might need to take a short break, so your appreciation of the experience is heightened when you return to it.
  • You may have experienced it so many times, that it simply lost it's 'newness'. So the experience itself may not have changed, just your perception of it, due to familiarity & expectation.
  • You may need to switch strains and try a kavalactone profile your mind/body aren't as familiar with.
  • You may need to change your environment or routine.
  • You may be experiencing the natural unpredictable nature of kava consumption.
  • You may have forgotten to put on your 3D glasses.
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Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
I long ago learned I could be krunk some of the time, or I could be like this all of the time. I chose this. Maybe you're graduating? I mean, once you run around the level, find all the secret areas, get all the keys and powerups and stuff, no matter how cool a level it is, sometimes you gotta take that key and go through the portal. Besides, you may have to double back and most likely the new level is even cooler, with more power-ups, more keys.....


I got past reverse tolerance and the magic started to happen. I can tell that I'm reaching krunk territory on less kava but the magic isn't there anymore.