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Strain, container/placement, or tolerance?

(I posted this on Reddit and only got one response so I’m reposting here)

I have been drinking kava for about two
months, and I drink it 4-5 times a week. At first I used Borugo by KWK, I actually really liked this one because it made me extremely couch locked but still gave me some heady effects. Next I used Lapita from Kavafied. This wasn’t the greatest, but it would make me couch locked still and was still very enjoyable. Recently though, I bought Stone from nakamal at home and it’s strong sure, but really isn’t doing much for me at all? Very little sedation and very little heady feeling.

Next, my container. I’ve been using an air tight (atleast I thought because it has a seal on it.) glass jar. I keep my kava in it, but it’s also somewhat under strip LED lights (blue) and a vent. The only reason I bring this up is because for me, it’s seemed like every kava I have loses potency after using about half of it.

Last, and the thing I doubt, is tolerance. I’ve only been using kava for two months, but can no longer really get much of any of a Krunk feeling now. I doubt this though because it doesn’t seem like people build up this much of a tolerance this quickly.

Before anyone says it, yes, I am 100% sure I am doing a good preparation method (traditional kneeding) but any advice from anyone who’s had similar experiences?

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
It's likely the differences in chemotypes with different cultivars that are affecting you differently over time. If anything is true about kava, the effects wax and wane over the course of our use. I'll brew up a batch that will send me into outer space, and the next day I'll use the same kava, same amount, same water and everything, and it's barely noticeable.

Kava is truly something we have to learn to roll with in terms of its ups and downs. Being a non-standardized natural product will see kava having these fluctuations in effect.