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Stupid bluelighters


Warm and Fuzzeh!
Been checking out some different forums like "bluelight" and "drugsforum", and seeing their entries on the root.

What stupid idiots. They're all like:

"ugh kava is so gay just smoke weed faggot", or

"kava is some stupid herbal shit that fucks up ur liver. Now Imma go shoot some H and smoke some crack with my dealer".

Most of these imbeciles only try those "kava kava" supplements, and thus come to the conclusion that kava is a crap and innefectiual substance.

But whatever. Just wanted to get that off my chest.


Kava Enthusiast
Most of those forums are shit. Had a kid argue with me on kava and only linked back to erowid discussions. Got like 15 studies gathered up when I realized it didn't matter. Shit head wasn't gonna read them anyways. Only other forum I can stand is the shroomery.

Deleted User01

You guys gotta understand that those type of stoners are not interested in detoxifying their minds or bodies. If you noticed, everyone who comes to this forum is interested in self-improvement. I might also add, heh, heh, heh, that the average IQ in this forum is probably 30-50 points higher than the druggie forums. So There! :D

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Tis true. Blue light and all them are what used to pop up when I was looking into kava prep to figure it out and it was always just insane. Some combos people take on those are just terrible.

Very rude too lmao.
Aren't we so high and mighty and nice and sweet and.. :p

Deleted User01

Just so you know, I think this is the coolest forum on the planet. It's a frigging love fest in here. We must be aliens because run of the mill humans are not that friendly and loving (not to mention the IQ thing). :love: This forum is what Woodstock wished it could have been. That's why I spend waayyyyyyy too much time in here. :banghead:
That being said, a shout out to the original founder, @Kavasseur and to the man that modernized it and took it up more notches than can be imagined, @Kapmcrunk. I guess you can tell I'm feeling the residual effects of the large dose of Hanapaki Ai' I gulped yesterday. :D

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Hahah :) that hanakapi ai is the bombs!
There is a massive amount of love here! Massive! It truly is a redeeming aspect of my life. Anywhere you go you see ego take over whether it's drugs, psychedelic forums, sports, food, blah blah blah. There's always so much mine mine mine and just that original inhumanity, and yet I come here and the worst arguments are the wet dream debates of any community. Can you imagine if people had debates in Congress that were as pleasant and conscious as the kava forums and we're a damn diverse group. Albeit alot of ex drug users, but that just shows a deeper beauty in the fact that we all aren't worthless because of that past and are quite bright lights in a place ( internet) that is pretty much the back alley of our society . Where all the shady and doucheness can come out without identity being known.
Here some ass could come on and start a fuss.. and yet it doesn't happen.. I wonder why?

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
Hey, thanks for the shout out! I started the Kavasseur website in 2009 as a hobby, and the community kind of grew around me and enveloped me. I'm so happy that this whole society even exists at all. When I was getting into buying Kava online, there was no good resource. So I just started buying and reviewing until the website grew into something huge.

Deleted User01

Ex Drug, ex alcohol. haunted by anxiety, stress, and other diseases that permeate the brain (without invitation). We represent a pretty diverse slice of humanity here. What makes the members different is that we try really, really try hard to overcome those weaknesses and become better human beings. Not everybody got Ken and Barbie genes when they were born. I for one am living proof of that. ;) Ok everybody, let's break out in a rousing rnedition of Cumba-ya .... Well don't everyone break out in song at one time now. :joyful:


I'm interested in things
If you want to learn about psychoactive drugs, here are a couple good books to read:

A Primer of Drug Action: A Concise, Non-Technical Guide to the Actions, Uses, and Side Effects of Psychoactive Drugs - by Robert M. Julien:
Amazon link
Amazon productThis book has a lot of great information about how drugs affect the brain, and how drugs are metabolized, as well as about specific drugs, that is easily understandable to anyone, even without a scientific background.

From Chocolate to Morphine: Everything You Need to Know About Mind-Altering Drugs - by Andrew Weil:
Amazon link
Amazon productThis book presents an interesting theory about why people use drugs, as well as lots of non-judgemental information about them. This book was very influential in my own thinking about psychoactives.