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Thanks Kava King and Kavakava R Us!

Chris Brown

Kava Curious
So psyched....just order 16 oz. of Micronized Pouni Ono and a jar of the Kava dabs....hoping maybe a sample of the Fiji Lawena will get sent with my order!! Is that the same as the Fiji Loa I have read good reviews about? I wasn't able to find anything with that specific name around...anyway excited to try it!


Kava Enthusiast
No the fiji lawena is different then the fiji loa...
I asked for a sample of the micro lawena and it is some great stuff! possibly slightly stronger the the pouni ono micro..
Love them both though! the micro pouni ono is just my fav fav! so far nothing has been more pleasurable to me, and that means alot for me! :)
you wont be disappointed at all though!
I just ordered a jar of the new 70% extract as well...soo looking forward to seeing how these compares and hopefully blows away the pk extract! hehe :)

Chris Brown

Kava Curious
Thanks Bradley, I later figured it out. I sent an email to Kava Kava R US and asked for a sample of Lawena, so I'm set. Super fast and efficient customer service from them so far, order was literally shipped within a couple hours of my order and is probably already in the air right now. Excited to try a new one... Currently have 11 year Waka and Soloman Islands from BKH and have tried everything but PaPa Kea from GHK. Excellent experiences from both these vendors as well.


Kava Enthusiast
Ya those are some good kavas...
I got the solomons from bkh and its pretty good stuff..its been awhile so I dont remeber much about it... but everything from GHK and KWK has been awesome. Even the kava candy is great! Lots of the vendors here are great..This new Hanakapi' Ai from GHK is a work of art for kava lol..its easly the most complex..exotic strong and fairly heady...body kava I'v drank thus far!

Kava Kava R us

\Bula/ As another shell goes down!
Kava Vendor
Thank You guys,
Chris Let me know about your experiences as you get your order tomorrow!
Usps said it'd be there :)

Questions always welcome & I hope you enjoy as much as the others have!



Kava Enthusiast
Ya those are some good kavas...
I got the solomons from bkh and its pretty good stuff..its been awhile so I dont remeber much about it... but everything from GHK and KWK has been awesome. Even the kava candy is great! Lots of the vendors here are great..This new Hanakapi' Ai from GHK is a work of art for kava lol..its easly the most complex..exotic strong and fairly heady...body kava I'v drank thus far!
Hey bradley did you get my message? Check your inbox when u get a chance.


Kava Enthusiast
hey,lol..I re-sent the message a second time..check ur spam folder? not sure why you would get the first email but not others lol...

Chris Brown

Kava Curious
Thank You guys,
Chris Let me know about your experiences as you get your order tomorrow!
Usps said it'd be there :)

Questions always welcome & I hope you enjoy as much as the others have!

Really liking both the concentrated dabs and the micro pouni ono. Order was received the very next day so what can I say about the service except excellent. I've only made a couple batches of the pouni, but I am really liking it. It is so fine and smooth, mixes easily, effects are wonderful and last a long time. As for the dabs, I just used a tiny but on the end of a knife, talking one to two small drops worth, stirred into some tea. Um where did the afternoon go? Oh yea, spent it comfortably buzzed in relaxed semi confusion, but able to function totally if need be......perfect way to spend a warm Sunday afternoon. This stuff is potent, a little goes a long way.. Not quite as euphoric as the Pouni IMHO but wonderful nonetheless. I actually had some Pouni a few hours after the concentrate and this was a good combination... After dinner was able to wind down and sleep well. Good stuff!! Thanks


Kava Enthusiast
Aweome! Ya the effects of the micronized pouni ono are just amazing...the nice and light heady. energetic/eurphoric effects it privides... soo smoothly!..hard to beat for a day time kava! :)
I just recieved the extract and be carefull! Stuff shold have a warning label! It is crazy strong! Would guess by weight it must be 75 % stronger then the pk extract! Thats a shit ton! o_O :nailbiting:

Kava Steve

cant comment on the effects of the extract cause I had 4 shells of GHK Hanky Pank Ai before it arrived but I can tell you this: Very potent!

Packaging does need to be addressed or extra added in because a lot is lost in the cap and threads... Maybe a jar with a seal at the top so it stays out of the threads or maybe an extra half gram :)


Kava Enthusiast
Agreed, still think glass is the way to go..slighty more exspensive but will make a world of difference :)
The extract itself is great though. It is very, very potent..I have taken tiny amounts here and there and each time I can feel them for sure...haven't gone all out yet and went crazy but this weekend I might see what the extract can realy do! I imagine I can get there by doing just a tiny bit more lol...

Kava Steve

I definitely want to see some bulk discount containers
Glass is on the way...
and sealed caps!

Watch for them this weekend or early next week on the website.

Micro Pouni also has new packaging!

Honey sized jars anyone? ...might spread well on some toast or crackers!

Kava Kava R us

\Bula/ As another shell goes down!
Kava Vendor
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Kava Steve

been loving the micro pouni ono since 9am this morning just added a couple drops of extract for a mix, the extract definitely has some pain relieving properties that the pouni doesn't have.... Nice combination overall

Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
Here it is... A Picture of the new Micro Pouni Ono Packaged in it's Fancy Golden resealable pouch!​

View attachment 3504
Trust me these new bags look even better when you're holding them.
If you look close at the picture you will see Brilliant metallic gold reflecting with horizontal white waves flowing.
Swanky. I gotta get me some of that. I've been kneading my way through my medium grind stock and now crave micro again, the same way I craved the smoothness and taste of traditionally prepared kava for the last few weeks.