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Thanks Kava King and Kavakava R Us!


Kava Vendor
Here is the updated link: www.ebay.com/itm/331534250597?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649

Thanks Kapmcrunk.
You're going to have a nice mouth numbing experience, with a pure Vanuatu kava taste... Mmm.
Today I was out Day hiking along our Skyline trail and then vibe vibe there was your purchase notification with 2 others...

Your Kava is packed & will be in Monday mornings mail!

Bula my friends!

I want to order some of the extract and see the ebay link but noticed you have it listed on your website. Which do you prefer orders to be purchased through? I am going on vacation next week and I think it will be perfect for travel and for letting my brother try out kava without him thinking I am forcing a cup of dirty water on him LOL.

Kava Kava R us

\Bula/ As another shell goes down!
Kava Vendor
I want to order some of the extract and see the ebay link but noticed you have it listed on your website. Which do you prefer orders to be purchased through? I am going on vacation next week and I think it will be perfect for travel and for letting my brother try out kava without him thinking I am forcing a cup of dirty water on him LOL.
The website works best & is shipped out 2-3 day priority. So you would get it this week.


Kava Vendor
The website works best & is shipped out 2-3 day priority. So you would get it this week.
This landed yesterday, ordered Monday and in my hands on Wednesday! I tried about a rice-sized chunk last night...Wow!!! Intense, and it will be perfect for travel and a simple way to turn on some folks back home to Kava.
Mark, Thanks for the fast shipping, outstanding customer service, and free sample of Micronized Lawena!


Patently irritable
Glass is on the way...
and sealed caps!
Watch for them this weekend or early next week on the website.
Micro Pouni also has new packaging!
Honey sized jars anyone? ...might spread well on some toast or crackers!
@Kava Kava R us have these switched packaging yet? On your website it still looks like the silicone. I'll order again once I see the switch.
Thank you!


Kava Enthusiast
I wish I could somehow just transfer the extract from the old silicone/rubber one and into one of the newer glass jars when they are available...I think it would be fairly easy if its cold, like right out of the fridge ect...I find It's allot easier to work with when its cold because it's thicker and not even close to as runny!
Could I get and or buy a jar from you when they become available so I can switch the extract around to the new jar please?
The old silicone jar is very problematic, it refuses to unscrew! lol....instead I have to yank the whole top off, right over the threads...
Lol...have you tried any of these kavas?
Today I dug out all the kava I have, and took a few pics, didnt relize how much I have actualy collected over last couple months lol...
Got alot of stone' left and its good stuff but I realy dont perfer it to the other kavas I have,
Also got a bunch of pouni ono med grind left. I prolly wont touch for awhile now that I have all this micronized pouni ono lol...
I certainly wont need much kava any time soon. unless of course sonething new comes out and everyone says its a must try lmao! :) View attachment 3394
nice stash!

Kava Kava R us

\Bula/ As another shell goes down!
Kava Vendor
@Kava Kava R us have these switched packaging yet? On your website it still looks like the silicone. I'll order again once I see the switch.
Thank you!
There was a delay on the glass jar shipment. They are now scheduled for Monday's delivery. So the packaging will be changing over and so will the pictures on the website very soon. I can Pm you when they are ready and most likely ship one out Tuesday or Wednesday if you would like.

Thanks again,
Mark / Kava kava r us.

Kava Kava R us

\Bula/ As another shell goes down!
Kava Vendor
I wish I could somehow just transfer the extract from the old silicone/rubber one and into one of the newer glass jars when they are available...I think it would be fairly easy if its cold, like right out of the fridge ect...I find It's allot easier to work with when its cold because it's thicker and not even close to as runny!
Could I get and or buy a jar from you when they become available so I can switch the extract around to the new jar please?
The old silicone jar is very problematic, it refuses to unscrew! lol....instead I have to yank the whole top off, right over the threads...
Yes pm'd you the details.


Patently irritable

There was a delay on the glass jar shipment. They are now scheduled for Monday's delivery. So the packaging will be changing over and so will the pictures on the website very soon. I can Pm you when they are ready and most likely ship one out Tuesday or Wednesday if you would like.

Thanks again,
Mark / Kava kava r us.
Thank you so much--I really like the extract but the packaging is a bit of a challenge. I have mine uncovered in a lock&lock box.

Superior Sandman

Kava Curious
I was holding off on trying this extract ONLY because I didn't want to waste any due to the lid issue. Now that it's taken care of I'll be ordering for sure. Can't wait to see how it compares to KWK concentrate. Very excited.

Would you say a serving size of 1-2 grains of rice would be .2 grams?


Kava Vendor
Had the concentrate with me at work yesterday as I was heading to PA right after shift. My boss and two co-workers and I did a grain of rice a piece. They loved it. One is under major stress at work and she was amazed how it lifted the anxiety for her. It was awesome to share the kava experience with co-workers. Especially one who really needs kava in her life.
So jeally of those glass jars. I am dealing with some leakage but at least I have travel kava!!!

Kava Kava R us

\Bula/ As another shell goes down!
Kava Vendor
Had the concentrate with me at work yesterday as I was heading to PA right after shift. My boss and two co-workers and I did a grain of rice a piece. They loved it. One is under major stress at work and she was amazed how it lifted the anxiety for her. It was awesome to share the kava experience with co-workers. Especially one who really needs kava in her life.
So jeally of those glass jars. I am dealing with some leakage but at least I have travel kava!!!
I'm glad to hear others your are sharing with enjoy the benefits.

Pm me if you really want a glass jar before you use up what you have.


Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
I'm down for some Pouni Ono, extract and lawena. Just placed the order.

Is there a link to a thread on the extract and chemotype? Is it the lawena or the pouni?