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The ultimate test, lol


Kava Curious
Buddhacide said:
Ok so the results are in. I got a message from my doctors office saying I needed to make an appointment with them. I thought "oh man, here we go". I got an appt today and they told me that I have bad cholesterol. I need to change my diet and exercise more. I asked about my liver - no problems whatsoever :)
Congrats on the healthy liver, I'll drink (kava) to that (smiley: wink)


Kava Curious
Krunkedout said:
But.. Bu.. That means that the FDA was.. Was wrong! I thought they never lied for their own gain.. My life is shattered now! Jk lol glad to hear your liver is in good shape
I don't blame Germany and the EU from making a quick determination and banning kava because there did seem to be a problem.  My issue is that they did nothing after, except ignore the mounting evidence that kava as served traditionally isn't a problem.  In a similar vein Australia banned kava because some of the native population started 'abusing' it instead of alcohol.  Compare this to the enlightened approach of Vanatua which replaced highly destructive alcohol consumption (via a high tax) with the much more benign kava.  If alcohol wasn't a traditional western drink, there would be no-contest declared in a comparison of social ills between the two.  Sometimes I think we still live in the dark ages. (smiley: frown)


Kava Lover
It just goes to show that the government keeps legal whatever it gets it's tax dollars from and criticizes things that have been used safely for thousands of years. If only the government would let people think for themselves instead of trying to play the nanny role. *sigh*


Kava Curious
Krunkedout said:
It just goes to show that the government keeps legal whatever it gets it's tax dollars from and criticizes things that have been used safely for thousands of years. If only the government would let people think for themselves instead of trying to play the nanny role. *sigh*
True - for an entertaining and worrisome look at alcohol's influence in economics & politics, watch "How Booze Built America" on Discovery Channel.  One little tidbit from the show: about half of America's founding fathers were involved one way or another in the booze biz.  Of course, I am not against drinking in moderation, I just like my policies based on facts not pseudo science or knee jerk reactions.

Anyway enough politics, back to enjoying kava.


Kava Lover
I saw some commercials for that, looks like rather a good program. People need to be more educated on where their roots are and open their eyes to the hypocrisy of governmental officials.


Kava Curious
Krunkedout said:
I saw some commercials for that, looks like rather a good program. People need to be more educated on where their roots are and open their eyes to the hypocrisy of governmental officials.
The show is downright goofy and cheaply made but I learned a lot about the real history behind what you read in the textbooks.  For example, I remember as a kid reading about the anger over the British sugar tax (no offense Prince Phillip ;) and wondering why people got so upset about that.  I mean rural folks can get sugars from honey or local cane, it is not like they need fancy Jamaican sugar.  Well, what the book didn't mention was that sugar was used to make Rum - one of the most popular drinks of the day and a huge business to the people making it (see the founding fathers in the previous post).  Suddenly it all made sense.  Yep, you would be amazed at what gets left out of 'history'.


Kava Lover
That is rather fascinating! I too ha wondered that, now I see why they got their panties in a bunch over that, gotta love rum lol


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Very nice.
As for the Cholesterol... follow me ! *Bicycle pedals like a mad'man* I am in-veen-see-ball!!!!!(Yay)


Kava Enthusiast
Krunkedout said:
It just goes to show that the government keeps legal whatever it gets it's tax dollars from and criticizes things that have been used safely for thousands of years. If only the government would let people think for themselves instead of trying to play the nanny role. *sigh*
That's why online poker is illegal in the US, they tax casinos so it cuts into profit. I'm always shocked by the government stings to take down online-gambling sites overseas... just the money dumped into those ops alone, let alone the politics... just boggles the mind.


Kava Curious
salvador said:
a bit of statistics.....both vanuatu and tonga have very low death by liver disease rate (vanuatu 148, tonga 151 on the country index)

Wow, awesome info!  So if you live in Vanuatu (home of kava) you are roughly twice as likely to be run over by a car as die of liver failure.  Alternately if you live in the United States (where kava is allowed but the govt recommends you limit your consumption) you are also roughly twice as likely to die of liver failure than Vanuatu.  However if you live in Germany (where kava is banned) you are about 3 times as likely to die from liver failure than Vanuatu residents.  Hmmm, I sure am glad our governments are protecting us from the evils of kava. (smiley: wink)