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What are some kavas that you find are not sedating and/or may be even partially uplifting?


Kava Enthusiast
So far the only kava I have drank that really wont make me tired at all regardless of how much of it I drink is KWK Fiji Loa Waka. I'm interested to hear what you guys say about this.


All Hail Leon
GHK Mo'i is nice for an uplifting session. I agree about the KWK Loa Waka. Also KWK Pouni Ono, but that has a bit of a sedating edge to it, more so than the others.

Also strangely enough, I found N@H's Stone to be pretty uplifting...


Warm and Fuzzeh!
Fuu is very uplifting in a giggly sort of way. Solomon Islands kava is also uplifting, but in a different, more dreamy sort of way.