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  1. Firedog

    Canada Post strike

    Just wanted to PSA for fellow Canadians here that the postal strike is over. For better or worse, it still means there is a massive backlog of packages, especially international packages. CP predicts delays into March 2019 for intl packages, so if you need ur kava make sure you're sending it via...
  2. Firedog

    Recent KWK Loa Waka

    Been trying to get proper banged up in this one the last few days. 5tbls didn't do it so I might have to go up to 6
  3. Firedog

    Recent KWK Loa Waka

    Had some about a month ago pretty good strength around the 5tbls range.
  4. Firedog

    My Kava experience and Zoloft

    Hello everybody! I just wanted to talk about something that i find to be fairly unreported on this site and elsewhere, namely the use of Kava and antidepressants. I have been using kava on a fairly regular basis (nightly, with some breaks ranging form 2-7 days), and I also take Zoloft 25mg daily...
  5. Firedog

    Loa Waka med grind first impressions

    Hmm maybe im just not using correct terms but i mean the general feeling of "couch lock", some slight (pleasant!) Spinniness in my head like when you have a lot of alcohol and some marijuana like feelings of getting lost in small details or media.
  6. Firedog

    Loa Waka med grind first impressions

    Been having this variety every night this week. Brewin up 4-5 tbls in 1-3 cups of water with a stocking. Id say this is on the more balanced end but still very potent. In general strong initial heavy effects that wear off fairly quickly (30~ mins) leading to general body and mental relaxtion...
  7. Firedog

    Clean socks as strainers

    Yeah. Also i try to limit fibres as much as possible. For whatever reason if i get too many makas in my grog i get into hangover territory.
  8. Firedog

    Clean socks as strainers

    Yeah i think thats the way to go. Also i actually strain my grog when i pour it into a cup through a little tea seive after kneading it up, just to catch any sneaky fibres or sock bits or dog hairs (they get everywhere, even into my dang grog ). Seems to work for now but yeah ill definitely be...
  9. Firedog

    Recent BKH 11 year Waka

    11 day lmao. Yeah ive been having more and to be honest its just not as great as i remember it being a few months ago. Even when i strain out all the bits its still way too weak. Before id get spins right away and feel great it was like a double shot of vodka but now eh. Might mix it into my loa...
  10. Firedog

    Clean socks as strainers

    Hey guys i was wondering if i should be wary of using clean socks as a cheap trad prep method, on account of residual detergent that might be in the fibres. I dunno maybe im being anxious over nothing but the last batch a made ended up tasting like a laundry basket :grumpy:
  11. Firedog

    Recent BKH 11 year Waka

    I Its totally fine i get it! (y) i just tried brewing some up med grind style with my trusty sock and its already way better! For whatever reason makas have never agreed with my system so i guess that was the cause. Kava can be a fickle mistress sometimes.
  12. Firedog

    Recent BKH 11 year Waka

    Soo the makas were making me feel gross and killing my krunk or is that just me :( I hope not cause i have had some slight changes in my medication routine since last having this kava... i just had some KWK the week before with the same meds and no difference so hopefully it was the makas:dead:
  13. Firedog

    Recent BKH 11 year Waka

    Update: ive seen others have similar complaints and ive sent an email to BKH about it. I also should have mentioned before but if you get a bag like mine id avoid having any, as it gave me bad hangovers (regular 11 year never did before).
  14. Firedog

    Recent BKH 11 year Waka

    Has anyone else tried the most recent batch from them? Im finding it to be really weak compared to the previous one and way more gritty. Idk maybe my body chemistry has changed a bit or something but i can take 3tbls at once and get mild effects whereas before 1tbl would insta krunk me.
  15. Firedog


    Really? Dang, you gotta at least try 11 year waka that stuff is legit.
  16. Firedog


    For real. Ice is great for med but with micro i find i need to be crushing a lot of water after.
  17. Firedog


    I dont know about other people but i can easily take down 4+ litres of water after a kava sesh.
  18. Firedog

    Kava Preparation Quick method for med grind

    Guess that would be a good way to get all the little sediment out buuut that sediment in the nambawan is what puts me over the moon ::rootedgrin::
  19. Firedog

    Kava Preparation Quick method for med grind

    with a little stirring or tapping it goes through in seconds for mine. I will look into that too though thanks