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Kava spoon measurement disambiguation


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
When will you guys switch to grams, ounces etc? It makes things way easier and helps you not to waste any powder (especially when you use instant or micro).
lol. Isn't US one of the only three countries in the world to still use "Queen's system"?? :) Even the UK has switched to the
metric system.
I'm not convinced weighing is any more accurate than spoons as a lot depends on the potency of the root anyway. Over time I've developed a sense for how many heaped spoons (and how heaped) I need to get roughly a certain feeling. When you are weighing out root you would presumably have to weigh slightly more of one than another to get the same effect?

The US uses miles, inches, pounds, etc and most people in the UK still do too, we use miles for distances still. The older people are still working in pounds, shillings and pence!

I went to Ireland with a friend one time and the road signs were in miles and kilometres. Dublin was something like 48 km or 30 miles so I said do we want to do it in miles or kilometres and he said do it in miles, it will be quicker, it's only 30 miles.


I'm interested in things
The US uses miles, inches, pounds, etc and most people in the UK still do too, we use miles for distances still. The older people are still working in pounds, shillings and pence!...
I thought you guys used 'stone' for weight, or is that just older people?..


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Whatwver sized spoon i have to hand, I just keep spooning till I have at least a cricket ball-size wad of kava in my stocking. Sorry, no idea how many baseballs that equates to...
I think it's about 50,000 cricket balls to equal one baseball:

::awesomesmiles:: ...kidding aside, I also consider a proper full dose to be at least tennis ball size.
I looked it up and a cricket ball is only slightly smaller than a baseball...and all 3 are very close in size. I remember looking at the wads the guys on Tanna were chewing up and they were at least baseball size, if not even bordering on softball size.
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Kava Enthusiast
Everytime someone mentions weighing kava on a scale it brings me back to my drug dealing days of long ago. Maybe that's why I've never had any issues weighing kava. I can eyeball a quarter and hand weigh a half with surprising accuracy. At least I used to could. ::squeakyclean:: In the interest of simplicity, I take the smallest glass I can find, probably holds about four ounces. I fill it up, dump it in, and fill it all the way or halfway again depending on the day I'm having. It's much easier to me than trying to get heaping tablespoons into a stocking without spilling it any.