Look at is this way. Since the beginning,
@Kapmcrunk has had certain standards for the vendors who are featured on this site. They are vetted for quality, a reputation for delivering what thay say, etc. In return for meeting those standards, vendors are given their own sub-Forum which is featured on the front page, vendor "flair" on their user info, etc. They get special treatment for being reputable, good vendors, in other words. Now this recent change means that vendors who sell krat, either online or in bars, will no longer get the same special treatment. In other words, whether a vendor sells krat is now taken into account in the overall assessment of vendor quality. Vendors who choose to sell krat are still allowed to participate on the Forum. They are not "exiled". They are simply not given preferential treatment. Jimmy (and the majority of moderators here) have agreed that offering essentially free advertising to such vendors is bad for the image and reputation of kava. And I have to say: I agree with the new policy 100%. There are many other places on the internet to discuss everything under the Sun, including everything about krat, but this is a Kava Forum, so I have to agree with Jimmy and the majority of mods in this case.