Douglas agrees (as per his posts on this forum) that tudei kava has a greater chance of causing negative side-effects than noble kava.
We all know that the authorities in the US, Australia, UK, EU, and elsewhere monitor adverse effects reports. More reports = more scrutiny = high chance of them taking action against kava. The import of kava has been banned in the UK since 2002 and yet they only became strict about enforcing the ban in 2015. Why?
I respect the very American libertarian view on personal freedom and the natural instinct to fight back against
the man who tries to tell you what you should and shouldn't put in your mouth, but surely this is something we should be pragmatic about?
Is tudei/Isa so wonderful that you'd risk losing access to *all* kava just to have some Isa?
Douglas and Yee have claimed that the scientists are pushing a political agenda. This is false, but what if it wasn't? I've never heard anyone say that tudei/Isa is better than noble kava, so why are they so unwilling to sacrifice it on the altar of worldwide free access to good noble kava?
It's a thoroughly selfish position to hold.
Douglas spent a few weeks in the Solomon Islands a few years ago. He knows the state in which Pacific Island farmers live... perpetually below the poverty line. Fiji had category 5 cyclone Winston. Vanuatu had drought, the devastation of cyclone Pam, and now have to
evacuate Ambae because of a volcano. The country is in dire need of money. One just needs a few minutes of googling to see how many years Vanuatu has been fighting for access to the EU market for their kava.
If in fact this was entirely political and the EU said "give us a scapegoat and we'll give you access", why wouldn't you throw tudei/isa to the floor and stomp on it for good measure? These people live in tin shacks in the face of annual tropical cyclones, and you're actively working against them for what?!! So you can say "nobody tells me what I can and can't put in my stomach!!"? FUCK YOU!!
* Takes deep breath */
I'm sorry but this makes me very angry. One would think that an anthropologist would care a bit more about people.
Please respect the needs and wishes of the people of the Pacific Islands who grow kava. Please drink noble kava and reward businesses that trade exclusively in noble kava. If you must have tudei/Isa, please do so quietly. There's no need to promote that stuff online. Encouraging noobs to drink tudei kava risks damaging the entire industry and that would severely hurt a million people in the Pacific Islands.
If you know a farmer, talk to them. Any farmer who's been in the game long enough has been in a situation where a market disappeared from under them and they were left with fields of worthless crops after months or years of toil. This happened to my parents on Taveuni island when the EU banned kava and the market crashed. So many were hurt by that, and it'd be a damned shame if the same were to happen just because a few people insisted on some cultivar of kava that is really no better than any good noble kava.
I beg you all, please get some perspective.