@Edward don’t mean to contribute to derailment. I also look forward to your review. My last interaction with Tudei was wholly negative, but that was a long long time ago and I have to take into account that I was toss and washing micronized which probably put me a few tiers up in terms of side effects. My suggestion would be to not go ham on it multiple days in a row. Your skin will thank you.
I feel like sometimes the responses on reddit feel like they’re ours from a few years ago. There’s a disconnect somewhere. Collusion on reddit I honestly can’t speak to. If it’s really happening it’s happening beyond my view. What I can speak to is the integrity here, and that nobody can pay for favor or influence.
The Tudei movement is not 100% a product of true kava. I feel like the current narrative is attempting to paint the picture as if that is the case. True kava emerged out of a community concern related to the quality of the kava that we ourselves were drinking. Almost everyone on KF was involved when it was coming together. Lol, if you need any evidence to the contrary of collusion, true kava operated their own kava forum in opposition to ours for some time. It’s not something we like to talk about, but you can look back over time and see the ebb and flow of misunderstands between us. To say we’ve been in cahoots the entire time is, in a word, laughable. This is not pointing fingers. I just feel like it should be said.