I like herbs
2 months ago I began using micronized, used 250g of it with no issue. Then I was using an extract for awhile with no issue. However, ever since I've started using medium grind, my skin is just getting awful. I mean right now, my neck region and upper/lower chest (particularly the upper) are so itchy and irritated, today being the worst day by far. This never happens AFTER I drink kava so it leaves me very confused. I do take 2 Benadryl a night for chronic tinnitus because it helps bring it down some but I took 2 Benadryl this afternoon and my itch never improved.
I see no real visible rash, some dry skin (pre-dermopathy?) and it just feels awful. I used to get hives as a kid and this feels even worse. No history of dry skin during the winter causing me to itch like this. The other day it got so bad that while trying to nap (which didn't work), I scratched so much that my whole upper chest became covered in red scrapes, almost resembling some of what I've seen in dermopathy.
It sucks, because kava is the only thing I've tried that helps with my chronic tinnitus which often stops me from sleeping at all. But now, it's the rash, at least if I want to nap during the day. Today was by far the worst. I did do 60g of kava 2 nights ago but I wasn't horribly itchy all of yesterday. Some, but just mild, not to this extreme. I tried to nap all day today after a long shift at work and was just constantly itching my belly region, falling asleep for 1 minute and waking back up to itching. Even though the kava helps my tinnitus a lot, it doesn't stop every spike and some nights I'm kept up nearly all night, and when I try to nap it keeps me up then too.
I do tend to take longer than needed showers but these also reduce my tinnitus in the evening, it has to be for at least 30 minutes or else it won't go down. My GP and I think it's fluid buildup but no ENT has confirmed it. we've just based this on A) me feeling like there's fluid in there and B) my eardrum often not moving when pumped full of air.
Antihistamines, hot showers and Flonase also reduce it. I had sinus surgery last May and the tinnitus cleared up 100% for 2 months, I'd had it for a year at that point, but it was very mild compared to how it's been since around mid August last year when it began to come back, gradually getting worse and worse, significantly worse than ever prior to surgery. The middle of last month is when it hit my left ear suddenly very bad, this was after I ran out of kava. That's when I made the connection, I wondered why all of 2023 up until that point both my ears were much quieter. Micro might've helped it more overall.
Anyway, all of this has only began since I started using medium grind, using an AluBall. I have no clue why given micronized apparently causes skin issues much worse than medium grind and I wasn't even straining it (it said you didn't have to and I didn't even know what that meant at the time). It'd just be really sad if this is how it ends, the tinnitus spikes can get so bad I end up not sleeping at all, which happened before I got my batch of medium grinds in the other day. The only way to really be sure is not take it for awhile. I do get my wisdom teeth out soon so I guess that'd be a forced break from it, not just a couple of days which I guess I may try now.
This could be something that just took awhile to develop, but I can't say. Everything itches whether it's red, looks dry or not. Today has by far been the worst itch, my whole shift was miserable.
I see no real visible rash, some dry skin (pre-dermopathy?) and it just feels awful. I used to get hives as a kid and this feels even worse. No history of dry skin during the winter causing me to itch like this. The other day it got so bad that while trying to nap (which didn't work), I scratched so much that my whole upper chest became covered in red scrapes, almost resembling some of what I've seen in dermopathy.
It sucks, because kava is the only thing I've tried that helps with my chronic tinnitus which often stops me from sleeping at all. But now, it's the rash, at least if I want to nap during the day. Today was by far the worst. I did do 60g of kava 2 nights ago but I wasn't horribly itchy all of yesterday. Some, but just mild, not to this extreme. I tried to nap all day today after a long shift at work and was just constantly itching my belly region, falling asleep for 1 minute and waking back up to itching. Even though the kava helps my tinnitus a lot, it doesn't stop every spike and some nights I'm kept up nearly all night, and when I try to nap it keeps me up then too.
I do tend to take longer than needed showers but these also reduce my tinnitus in the evening, it has to be for at least 30 minutes or else it won't go down. My GP and I think it's fluid buildup but no ENT has confirmed it. we've just based this on A) me feeling like there's fluid in there and B) my eardrum often not moving when pumped full of air.
Antihistamines, hot showers and Flonase also reduce it. I had sinus surgery last May and the tinnitus cleared up 100% for 2 months, I'd had it for a year at that point, but it was very mild compared to how it's been since around mid August last year when it began to come back, gradually getting worse and worse, significantly worse than ever prior to surgery. The middle of last month is when it hit my left ear suddenly very bad, this was after I ran out of kava. That's when I made the connection, I wondered why all of 2023 up until that point both my ears were much quieter. Micro might've helped it more overall.
Anyway, all of this has only began since I started using medium grind, using an AluBall. I have no clue why given micronized apparently causes skin issues much worse than medium grind and I wasn't even straining it (it said you didn't have to and I didn't even know what that meant at the time). It'd just be really sad if this is how it ends, the tinnitus spikes can get so bad I end up not sleeping at all, which happened before I got my batch of medium grinds in the other day. The only way to really be sure is not take it for awhile. I do get my wisdom teeth out soon so I guess that'd be a forced break from it, not just a couple of days which I guess I may try now.
This could be something that just took awhile to develop, but I can't say. Everything itches whether it's red, looks dry or not. Today has by far been the worst itch, my whole shift was miserable.
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