Kava Enthusiast
Hello and Bula! Have a shell while you read this! I'm watching the sun rise, and we had some early season chills. Temperatures were stuck in the low 40s F ~ six degrees celcius, with strong winds and wind gusts, 20 to 30mph ~ 30 to 50kph (not sure which units you guys&gals use for weather measurement). It was steadily raining and the mountaintops saw some snow and ice! I came up with a saying: here, we get five seasons a year - because we get winter twice!
I'm curious, genuinely looking for feedback, on whether you here at KavaForums ever underbrew your kava on purpose for a smoother first wash and a stronger rebrew?
This morning I made Solomon Islands kava, 1/3 cup. Washed and steamed my kava bowl, which right now is cast iron, and boiled my strainer then rinsed, squeezed, and flapped it dry. This Solomon islands kava is really strong, so I didn't use hot water, instead the water was pretty cold. I also squeezed it for about three minutes instead of five or ten.
I find that my resulting brew is more palatable and I am happy to brew the roots again later in some fresh water. One technique I employed which you may find interesting, is when I put my leftover roots in a square tub to freeze, I poured just enough fresh kava on them to cover, so it will be a block of kava ice with roots, ready for a second wash, with fresh brew mixed in.
I am sure I'm not the only person in the world who does this. Would anyone care to tell me their preferred strategy for leftover roots? Before I end my post, I wish to add, this is not all about cost. I believe in abundance, yes, and I also find I get a different feel and effect from second wash than I do first wash. Second washes for me generally take more time to "kick in" and seem more balanced, because they are both heady and heavy. Solomon Islands kava for me is generally straight heavy, which is why I ordered it again and have more coming in the mail today

Bula and Malok all, thank you for taking the time to read my post!
Attached is a photo of last night's kava!
I'm curious, genuinely looking for feedback, on whether you here at KavaForums ever underbrew your kava on purpose for a smoother first wash and a stronger rebrew?
This morning I made Solomon Islands kava, 1/3 cup. Washed and steamed my kava bowl, which right now is cast iron, and boiled my strainer then rinsed, squeezed, and flapped it dry. This Solomon islands kava is really strong, so I didn't use hot water, instead the water was pretty cold. I also squeezed it for about three minutes instead of five or ten.
I find that my resulting brew is more palatable and I am happy to brew the roots again later in some fresh water. One technique I employed which you may find interesting, is when I put my leftover roots in a square tub to freeze, I poured just enough fresh kava on them to cover, so it will be a block of kava ice with roots, ready for a second wash, with fresh brew mixed in.
I am sure I'm not the only person in the world who does this. Would anyone care to tell me their preferred strategy for leftover roots? Before I end my post, I wish to add, this is not all about cost. I believe in abundance, yes, and I also find I get a different feel and effect from second wash than I do first wash. Second washes for me generally take more time to "kick in" and seem more balanced, because they are both heady and heavy. Solomon Islands kava for me is generally straight heavy, which is why I ordered it again and have more coming in the mail today

Attached is a photo of last night's kava!