Search results for query: kalm

  1. Edward

    New to kava plz help

    Make sure you update us with how you get on and don't forget we're here to help (y)
  2. ZtheOne

    New to kava plz help

    I got Loa Waka kava from kalm with kava. With a straining bag. Idk haha we'll see
  3. J

    Kona Kava (full spectrum paste)

    ...I highly recommend. As a close third would be Root of Happiness (ROH), especially their 11 year waka. Following closely behind that would be Kalm With Kava (KWK) and Bula Kava House (BKH). BKH has the highest quality and most affordable micronized, but micro tends to have the most side...
  4. Palmetto

    Kona Kava (full spectrum paste)

    Extracts taste terrible. No way around that. If you look up the outdated price sheet listed on the forum site, you'll find a list of reputable dealers. Kava depot, Kalm with Kava, and others carry extracts at times.
  5. faldho

    Dog kava (@edward)

    look at the reviews, all the dogs look relaxed :) My vet always recommends benzodiazapines for thunderstorms and fireworks and I feel weird about it. This might be worth a try
  6. A

    Kalm with kava order says that it was delivered today but I see no package

    I made a Kalm with kava order and I received an email that it was delivered today but I see no package. It was a rather large order of melo melo delivered by USPS. I replied to the email that says it was delivered saying I didn't receive it and I also went to their website and I didn't see any...
  7. Groggy

    Did I draw the short straw for the Kava Allergy?

    ...and processed alike and I am not referring to the vendor (although it is important to trust your vendor and know they go above and beyond) kalm with kava is an example as is The kava Society of New Zeeland, Fiji Vanua. These vendors go above and beyond and the end product is considerably...
  8. F

    Did I draw the short straw for the Kava Allergy?

    ...people that have gotten through it have said I'm thinking once things have cleared up I will start reintroducing kava with the new one from kalm at a low dose. Say starting at a tablespoon (maybe less) and slowly working up each day till I'm back to a normal dose. I'll keep taking zyrtec as a...
  9. F

    Did I draw the short straw for the Kava Allergy?

    Hi All, I started Kava about 2 weeks ago with two varieties from the Kalm with Kava. Worked my way through a half pound of each and loved it. Huge improvement in my anxiety, sleep, pain, and no desire to drink. Since I ran out, I ordered a pound each of Leweena, Waka, Vanuatu, and Talanoa Mada...
  10. Groggy

    Need help/guidance to properly taper Benzo's and Anti depresents with KAVA use.

    Perhaps try reading the forum, your answers are all here.
  11. amandoad

    Need Help with Kava Effects on Sleep, Anxiety, and Digestion**

    ...The strain I used was Fiji-Waka roots from the Sabu-Sabu area, purchased from an Australian Kava shop. I'm planning to try Borongoru from Kalm with Kava in a day or two to see if it’s any better. 4. **Questions:** - Do water-soluble extracts like those from Roots of Happiness cause the...
  12. amandoad

    Need help/guidance to properly taper Benzo's and Anti depresents with KAVA use.

    ...The strain I used was Fiji-Waka roots from the Sabu-Sabu area, purchased from an Australian Kava shop. I'm planning to try Borongoru from Kalm with Kava in a day or two to see if it’s any better. I do have a couple of questions: Do water-soluble extracts like those from Roots of...
  13. sɥɐʞɐs

    Golden era?

    Have you been buying Kalm's private reserve kavas? That's where I've been finding stuff that still hits for the last couple years. Most of them that I've tried remind me of good effective kava that I used to buy pre-2015. They're doing free domestic shipping this month too, I just ordered some...
  14. Horopito

    Earthy notes I don't get it?

    Good to know, funny enough enjoying bowl of noka premium kava which is also Savusavu, it's new kava to me as on bit of fun to explore kava and making kava, before I splash out on some single origin specialty kava... 15 to 1 to ratio tonight 750ml serve. base notes (not flavour) warm spice...
  15. bogmonkey

    Earthy notes I don't get it?

    ...Waka...I think it has a hint of vanilla and pepper to the taste. I usually get their Ambae's variant when the GSW is out of stock. I also love Kalm with Kava's Loa Waka and Borogu varietals. I have not met many people who can say they enjoy the taste of kava. It's not a "good" flavor in the...
  16. Bubba Bula

    I Love Kava Friday fRiDaY!!!!!!

    Welp, according to USPS my KWK Private Reserve Kava, which was supposed to have been delivered today via KWK's Kalm Ship, was delivered. USPS says "Delivered, Individual Picked Up at Postal Facility". Only problem is, no one here went to a postal facility, and noone here has the kava. "Kalm...
  17. Bubba Bula

    I Love Kava Friday fRiDaY!!!!!!

    I'm out of shells, but a KWK shipment is supposed to arrive today. I've found their "Kalm Ship" option should be renamed "White Knuckle Ship" option. Oh well, there is time yet left in the day so we'll see. If my Predators beat the Canucks tonight, it won't matter anyway. Anyway, its Friday...
  18. sɥɐʞɐs

    I Love Kava Friday Gone and did it.

    ...never liked it. Your mileage may vary and it might be great for you...maybe it's geared towards stay-at-home mom's, I dunno, but for $50 and 1-day shipping on Prime, you might wanna give it a try. Next week will be ALL Kalm...with some new Tanna Pia kava. ::kavaleaf:: ::happyshell:: ::kavaleaf::
  19. sɥɐʞɐs

    I Love Kava Friday One more down!!!

    Drinkin’ Kalm’s new Solomon root this week, it’s pretty heavy/sedating but seems clean and it’s not super nauseating. Effects kind of remind me of Borogoru from a decade ago. (y)
  20. Groggy


    Howdy, welcome to the forums! :) You could visit vendors such as Kalm With Kava or Fiji Vanua and try some their varieties. Amazon is extremely convenient for us lazy kava drinkers (self included ;)) Also if you scroll down the main page, you will see all the vendors we recommend and support...