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Kava and Taste


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
@Edward Yeah I think I read your post about stackry. Approximately what premium do you pay over shipping direct from the US, say for a few lbs of Kava.

Is it right that Hawaiian kava has a very different, milder, taste to other kavas?
I think it probably cost me $20 more to order and have about 7 or 8 lbs of kava shipped through them rather than direct from the vendors bearing in mind the vendors don't ship to the UK.

Hawaiian kavas tend to be a lot milder in taste than other kavas but they have their own distinctive taste and it's still kava, easier to drink for sure but then I don't struggle with even the pepperiest vanuatu.


Kava Enthusiast
I have not found anything to make Kava taste any better. Anything I've tried just makes it WORSE.

What I do is this: Breathe in (far away from the shell), skull the shell, then breathe out, but NOT through your nose, in either direction. Block your sinuses off
from the inside before and after drinking, and breathe entirely through your mouth. Then take a little "chaser" of your favorite beverage
(fruit juice, plain water, etc.) to rinse out your mouth. Then you can breathe normally.

This technique allows me to avoid 99.9% of the taste and smell of the kava I'm drinking. Works very well. Hey, if I can drink Stone
without gagging, that's pretty good!!

And, a lump of candied ginger after each shell, and ZERO stomach upset.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I have not found anything to make Kava taste any better. Anything I've tried just makes it WORSE.

What I do is this: Breathe in (far away from the shell), skull the shell, then breathe out, but NOT through your nose, in either direction. Block your sinuses off
from the inside before and after drinking, and breathe entirely through your mouth. Then take a little "chaser" of your favorite beverage
(fruit juice, plain water, etc.) to rinse out your mouth. Then you can breathe normally.

This technique allows me to avoid 99.9% of the taste and smell of the kava I'm drinking. Works very well. Hey, if I can drink Stone
without gagging, that's pretty good!!
Can confirm. I use this technique on a daily basis and rarely if ever taste kava.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Wow, you guys sound like you really suffer through it! Lol

I feel blessed to be able to enjoy the flavor of Kava. I even sip Tongan kavas... :wacky:
Right, kavasseur. All this does is confirm what we already knew. You're an ET from a planet full of kava.
I would say I'm definitely a sipper and savourer. I want the taste to linger, I think it gives me better effects that way.


Kava Curious
@VictoryRider Will give this a go. Actually one small change made it more bearable without adding sugary drinks and that was simply pouring it into a tumbler loaded with ice. The chilling of the liquid to some extent neutralised the smell and taste on entry. However, the after taste still made me feel a little nauseous


Kava Lover
I didn't read all the posts but I suggest you try instant or micro and mix a big scoop into a very small amount of juice like pineapple or oj, and take it like a shot. It may also help to have something really sweet or spicy before hand to throw off your taste buds. I don't have a problem with the taste so these are just ideas. There are many other threads in this if you want to search through them
I am struggling to get Kava down as I find the taste particularly offensive. I have tried masking the taste with varying degrees of success. The idea was to take Kava for anxiety but ironically I get anxious at the thought of taking it

Practically I need to source Kava that is easier to chug down but is still potent. The added complication is that I'm based in the UK so my options are limited to the following suppliers

Kava Kauia/realkava.com
Bula Kava House
Kalm with Kava

As a newbie I have no terms of reference and don't know how my Kava rates in terms of taste compared to others on the market. I am using Kavafied Supreme. Just to note I also have micronised Pouni Oro, Borogu and Fiji Loa Waka from KWK. While I sampled them after they arrived, I am not using them regularly as it's a more expensive option while I appear to be experiencing RT.

I would welcome some helpful suggestions.
I just made a batch of KWK Borogu med grind and decided to toss in a splash of KWK concentrate for fun.WOW! It killed the taste and really boosted the kick.I had one shell and it feels like I drank the whole batch.(one cup kava 4 cups water)the splash of concentrate was about a shot glass,maybe less.I don't taste the kava at all! Couch glue cocktail for sure.


Kava aficionado
Right, kavasseur. All this does is confirm what we already knew. You're an ET from a planet full of kava.
I think that's actually planet kavatar.

@Amarone I have a sure fire solution for your problem, I guarantee it will work for you or anyone else.

1. Find a hammer
2. smack your finger with said hammer (don't break it)
3. wait 2-3 minutes at the most and chug the shells

I guarantee the last thing on your mind will be the taste.


Kava Enthusiast
Just order KWK's Concentrate the guava is very tasty, too tasty so order a lot. BKH's Fu'u is the mildest tasting kava I know of
. It is not far from milk in taste with nice uplifting effects


Kava Curious
@ThePiper I have some micronised kava but firstly using root powder while trying to break through some reverse tolerance. This means I am also consuming more than I hope to in the future so taste is even more of an issue

@Krunʞy Lol, what an idea! And of course Kava has analgesic properties which will help with the pain:)

@Myk I nearly ordered the concentrate when purchasing micronised from KWK. The other thing I have to balance is cost. It's so much more expensive to order form the UK as it is but regularly using concentrate would break the budget for sure


Kava Curious
My intro Kava was a classic Vanuatu from Real Kava on Kauai. Good stuff, but very Vanuatu taste wise. I swished it in my mouth for awhile then would belt it down quick. This would numb my mouth so after that, no prob getting the rest down. Now I try pay attention to the taste as a part of the Kava experiance and actually like it.
Like Kavasseur, I Luv sipping Tongan and Good Fiji Lowena. Nene could be on the Kava sip list too.