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Making your own instant


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Guess I gotta find a good supply of affordable whole root, grind it myself, and make mass quantities of instant. Gotta prepare for the global blackout, you know, just in case I havent moved to a kava producing island by the time the lights go out :p
Lol, don't forget your spare lightbulbs ;-)

Seriously, instant kava is the way forward for me. I get such good results in the lorry and can get so relaxed and happy which usually lasts into the next day with such a blast of awesomeness, happiness and alround good glow that just isn't replicated by med grind by any prep. Call me a blasphemer...


Kava Enthusiast
I could picture myself walking around on an island, wearing big brown hooded monk robes, chanting over a bowl of kava, and using my fingers to sprinkle it on everyone as I pass them. The Krunk Monk wants you! (To join the commune).


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
One of these days your going to have to tell us who Lorry is and how your employer is paying you to spend so much time in her...while drinking kava! That's a he'll of a job you've landed @Edward
Lol, probably shouldn't give the company away but even in the UK which is a tiny island compared to America you can drive for a day and still not get from one end to the other so often it means I have to sleep in the lorry rather than going home. Also the lorry cabs are so much smaller in the UK than anywhere else, smaller roads... which means I haven't got a kitchen in the back, just a bed and sometimes a fridge... very primitive... kava is doable though :)


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Thats so awesome that you said that! just today I that song popped into my head, and I started singing kava instead of sugar. I almost busted out a guitar to rewrite the song and record it lol
Big LOL! :)

In the UK lorry and truck means more or less the same thing... I mean an articulated cab and trailer rather than a small all in one... what we call a rigid because it doesn't bend ;-)

Sam Handwich

Kava Enthusiast
You missed the point of my super immature joke (which was pretty pointless) Lorry the truck, or Lorie the girls name...sorry for the bad humor. I am conversationally functional in the kings English. Lorry = truck. Hood = bonnet. Trunk = boot. Elevator = lift...I'm totally bi-lingual as long as both languages are English!


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Lo siento, hablo espanol but I am from London so I speak a good broad cockney type of English :) Don't worry though, I can still understand y'all ;-)


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
Except when I made up the word instantise the other day it should have been instantize maybe?!