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Member Soapbox And this time it's a good one. As in good news.

Capitán Bastos

As most of you should know by now, I'm a huge entrepreneur.
I'm currently globalizing my efforts and in the not so distant future, there will be products available. Kava related products. Why is this good news to you?
Only two people on here knows what I'm rambling on about. This is no joke. This will be a huge micro business venture, a massive one man operation.
The first to find out who the two before mentioned in confidantes are and also wriggle out of them details about this venture, will receive the box of wonders!
All you have to do is identify, wriggle and pm yours truly.

And to the rest of you, don't thank me. I'm a huge fan of generosity. Huge. I'm giving each and everyone of you and everyone you know the opportunity to make me rich.
For free.
Because I love all people.

- El Capitán

Capitán Bastos

I would love to... But I'm just so tired of winning, all the time. I'm busy making deals with the Chinese,and winning, all the time.
No Chinese people are involved.
Not saying the Chinese are ding! Dong! Huge losers. I don't know why anyone would ever say the Chinese are fraudulent, parasitic evildoers? Why would anyone even think MSG is in fact a way of MeSsaginG your brain with subconscious instructions? That's preposterous! I don't eat Chinese food. I never had. I'm a huge fan of noodles, I end my prayers with Ramen. I'm also a skilled Kung Fu fighter in my dreams. I love the Chinese people! I have all the little Jackie Chans I could find in the whitepages on speed dial. My assistant calls them all the time.

Capitán Bastos

As long as there is a "happy ending".
Trust me. The satisfaction you will get just by sending me your money is huge!
Then something glorious will appear in your mail box and give your mindgasm a second wind. Imagine that, soon, even someone like you can receive something from someone like me AND you get to give me money? This is huge! No one has ever done anything like this. They have tried, but let's face it, those guys are all idiots. I'm the real deal. And I'm all about quality, if it's not the best, I won't sell it. Had a huge debacle with a couple of potential contributeurs today. Still, I soldier on. Relentlessly. I don't mind the suffering and headaches, I do this for you. So you can one day have the chance to send me your money. Don't thank me. You already deserve it because you are special.

Capitán Bastos


Thank you Shia for the inspiration.

I'm now the proud owner of the domains I need to realize my huge macro success!
Now all I have to do is to learn how to make a webpage.

No that's not all. I need to get my logistics in place. In house or out source? Pros and cons. Hmmm.

Sorry, thought box leakage. I guess my thought box is so huge now from all this masterminding that it becomes like a water ballon pushing up against the edges of the brain cage.

The most important thing is to push forward and hustle. Ask yourself, if you were 100 years old and could go back to this very moment and do whatever you wanted, what would you do? Then just. DO IT!

Step out of your cocoon of self doubt, comfort food, tv series and hibernation like slumber. Put yourself out there. Push your boundaries. Explore. Endure. Experience. Feel. Do. Be.


Do it!

- El Capitán 8 days no kava, 90 hrs of work, 2lb of Yerba Mate, 36hrs sleep, the rest spent on masterminding.