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Rectal Administration of Kava


Kava Enthusiast
I've been curious about this (just because I'm curious about everything), but haven't dared to ask. The reason people plug things is because it bypasses first pass liver metabolism. It's absorbed directly into your blood stream. As others have mentioned, this can be dangerous as well, because there may be things in kava that need to be filtered out by the liver to be safe. The reason why people do it with drugs is because it is supposed to increase the potency a lot. So there's three possible outcomes. 1. it is more potent. 2. It's less potent. 3. You end up with some really bad side effects. I don't want you to encourage you to try it in case something goes wrong, but if you do please post the result so others will know.


Kava Lover
Okay - it seems a lot of folks are giving you wishy washy answers. You are certainly free to read the responses and do what you like, but honestly I think as a kava loving community we have to say "DO NOT DO THIS". There is no benefit and multiple risks. I don't want to see a news story about some guy getting horrible reactions, infections, and who knows what that will draw negative attention to something that many of us here consider a daily part of our life. There simply is no reason to use Kava like this. For that matter I don't see any reason to vape it either, but that is less likely to have negative consequences so I can't get too excited about that.


Warm and Fuzzeh!
Okay - it seems a lot of folks are giving you wishy washy answers. You are certainly free to read the responses and do what you like, but honestly I think as a kava loving community we have to say "DO NOT DO THIS". There is no benefit and multiple risks. I don't want to see a news story about some guy getting horrible reactions, infections, and who knows what that will draw negative attention to something that many of us here consider a daily part of our life. There simply is no reason to use Kava like this. For that matter I don't see any reason to vape it either, but that is less likely to have negative consequences so I can't get too excited about that.

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Man squirts liver-destroying legal high "kava kava" into asshole! Found dead behind dumpster with enima apparatus! Supreme Court calling for immediate prohibition on all kava kava based products!


Kava Enthusiast
You raise a very valid point. On the other hand, who knows. It could become the new "thing". I do believe its risky and its definetely not something I would try myself. but someone's gotta do it, right?


Kava Enthusiast
I have honestly considered putting a little kava there when my husband wants to get frisky because of its numbing properties, but it always seemed like more trouble than its worth. Your right, no one has to do it, but people that are too curious for their own good (myself included) would like to know. For the sake of science. That being said, it isn't something I would risk with my body, and I've done some pretty stupid things. So it's probably a bad idea.


Official Kava Muppet
Being as kava may be related to hot peppers, and eating Ultra Death Sauce, gives me a hella hot hole, I'd imagine that would be your biggest risk, hot hole. But just drink it. The solution to the tase is dilution and mixing. Or eating ultra death sauce before, during, and after. It enhances the effects to be sure.


Bula To Eternity
I have honestly considered putting a little kava there when my husband wants to get frisky because of its numbing properties, but it always seemed like more trouble than its worth. Your right, no one has to do it, but people that are too curious for their own good (myself included) would like to know. For the sake of science. That being said, it isn't something I would risk with my body, and I've done some pretty stupid things. So it's probably a bad idea.
To Boldly Go Where No Kava has Gone Before!!


Bula To Eternity
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Man squirts liver-destroying legal high "kava kava" into asshole! Found dead behind dumpster with enima apparatus! Supreme Court calling for immediate prohibition on all kava kava based products!
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Man squirts liver-destroying legal high "kava kava" into asshole! Found dead behind dumpster with Enema apparatus! Supreme Court calling for immediate prohibition on all Enema based products!


Kava Curious
Maybe, but please see my detailed explanation of why I think this is a really bad idea above:
Yeah, it is not something that interests me in doing. Tho, enemas has been done as a way to rehydrate people and other animals in situations where clean water is not accessible. The fact that it is likely to be a irritant, and that it would be absorbed "wrong" somehow is more a concern in my eyes than germs and similar.


I'm interested in things
Yeah, it is not something that interests me in doing. Tho, enemas has been done as a way to rehydrate people and other animals in situations where clean water is not accessible. The fact that it is likely to be a irritant, and that it would be absorbed "wrong" somehow is more a concern in my eyes than germs and similar.
The last time this topic came up, it degenerated into a discussion of how tobacco smoke used to be used rectally: