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Rectal Administration of Kava


Kava Enthusiast
What do you all think about administering the Bula Kava House CO2 paste via the "rear entrance?" Would one feel the effects to a greater degree?


Bula To Eternity
What do you all think about administering the Bula Kava House CO2 paste via the "rear entrance?" Would one feel the effects to a greater degree?
Works Great if youre ok with the usual side effects:
headache, nausea, vomiting, death, dizziness, vaginal ejaculations, dysentery, cardiac arrhythmia, mild heart explosions, varicose veins, darkened stool, darkened soul, lycanthropy, trucanthropy, more vomiting, arteriosclerosis, hemorrhoids, diabeetus, virginity, mild discomfort, vampirism, gender impermanence, spontaneous dental hydroplosion, sugar high, even more vomiting, brown, your mom, and mild rash.


I might try again with an instant Kava. I really do Kava for the cerebral effects and I didn't feel any with the enema. A bowel enema in general takes time to do right as you have to train your stomach muscles not to spasm cuz it cramps your guts up as the enema juice enters the large intestine even if its just water. Actually coffee and kava feel better than just a plain water enema. I'd use an open bucket style enema set up too cuz its easy to clean. The closed off water bottle bag style can grow bacteria very fast even if you rinse it. Do it in a bathtub too as this can get very messy if you can't hold the enema. Newbies to enemas will most likely let their bowels loose before its time. For this to work you have to hold it in about 20 min or longer. Then let it all out in a toilet explosion.
For the sake of furthering your scientific research (and because this thread deserves to be resurrected, again), I would suggest pasteurizing the prepared kava in a sous vide machine at 140 F for 2 or 3 hours, rather than boiling it. Just put it in a sealed container and submerge it into the water bath. I believe I have read that at least some of the kavalactones can be destroyed at close to boiling temperatures. 140 F for several hours will kill as many germs as 10 minutes of boiling, without reaching a temperature that harms the good stuff.


Kava Curious
For the sake of furthering your scientific research (and because this thread deserves to be resurrected, again), I would suggest pasteurizing the prepared kava in a sous vide machine at 140 F for 2 or 3 hours, rather than boiling it. Just put it in a sealed container and submerge it into the water bath. I believe I have read that at least some of the kavalactones can be destroyed at close to boiling temperatures. 140 F for several hours will kill as many germs as 10 minutes of boiling, without reaching a temperature that harms the good stuff.
Yea, I learned the hard way that boiling Kava destroys or changes the Kavatones. I pretty much always bring my Kava to 140 now [for my normal sessions], mostly cuz it saves soaking time as it poofs up the root a bit. I don't know if I can even do a large enema like that again [as its a good quart of liquid that goes up into the intestines]. It takes some training as the muscles in my rectum and colon don't like it much. Like I said before, I didn't really feel the cerebral effects, but I did feel a heavy tiredness in my body.

I also think that stomach acid plays a huge role in the kavatone breakdown. If you do an enema, there is no stomach acid or liver to break stuff down. When my stomach acid is low, I don't feel the kava much. So I usually use lemon juice and garlic before a session to strengthen my stomach acid.


We call it the ER. and it is not a tv show, just every day in US Emergency Rooms. There was a show called "ER" that I think was like a soap opera. I don't know if one of the melodramatic plots on that show involved a patient with something up his bum...
Yes, actually, there was an episode like that.


Plugging is typically done with drugs that require very small amounts to be effective.
Butt-chugging a whole batch of kava would be ridiculous, so the only reasonable (if that word even has any business in this thread at all) form of kava to administer rectally would be a proper extract...and at the point that you have an extract, you may as well just consume it orally, since it already circumvents the need to drink a large particle filled volume.
Funny to see that so many folks on this forum don't like the taste of Kava! In the '90's, before I heard of this alleged link between Kava and liver damage, I tried to take many Kava products(actually all medicine) sublingually. Alcohol tincture burned the hell out of my tongue, and the powdered extract and the medium grind irritated my gums. Only the sweet glycerine seemed to work without problems. What's with all the silly jokes on this thread?