I'm sorry you feel that way. I suppose it looks like bs when you don't know me personally and all you have to go by is what I've posted on this forum.
I feel you're exaggerating there, unless you consider questions an attack.
I suppose my annoyance with you is partly because of your support of some people I consider assholes (I suppose you dislike me for the same reason) who have no interest in kava beyond its ability to make them a quick buck, but also partly because of your repeated attempts at tearing down TK which I sincerely believe to be a great initiative that was making a real and lasting impact on kava quality in the US.
And then AKA tried to get the Vanuatu govt to relax its restrictions on tudei kava. That was really upsetting. In any case, I asked you about it here:
You ignored my question. When I saw that you were around and responding to others, I tried again:
Of course you ignored me again. I reckon the questions were both fair and needed to be asked, because the potential impact of what the AKA was doing on all of us was huge. Of course I was frustrated that you ignored me.
Read the link I provided. It's still potentially false advertising and against the law... and that's
after you started mentioning in the smaller print that the product name is misleading. In any case, KF doesn't really care or make a big deal out of it. Everyone, like you, appears to be fine with it. The reason I bring it up is that you called GS out for breaking the law and being unethical in a very similar situation. In his case, it's definitely
not illegal to register an American Kava Association org.. every US state can have an AKA, and any one of them can register a domain name for their org. Whether it's unethical depends on intent, which thus far we've all assumed is devious (just as I assumed your misleading product name is devious). Perhaps if he's ever unbanned from here he might be able to defend himself just as you've defended your choice to call 8yr old kava 11yr kava. BTW the farmer can tell you exactly how old any batch of kava he sends you is. There's really no need to be ambiguous.
We assign value to kava
based on its age. In fact many consider this one of the most important factors when evaluating kava. You know this, which is why you made a point of giving your kava that name when you started selling it. If Chris sold a kava named 6yr old kava and then did a bait and switch, selling 3yr old kava under the same label, that would absolutely be false advertising... which is exactly my point! 1000yr old eggs have never been 1000yrs old. If they had initially been 1000yrs old but continued to be sold as 1000yr old eggs after the seller ran out of them, that would be deceptive.
Yes, I acknowledge that I've been biased where it comes to Chris. I think it's because I love the fact that he's a farmer growing his own kava, that he shares his knowledge freely, that he embraces traditional knowledge and farming practices, and because it's apparent he's not just in it for the money but actually cares about kava and the long-term health of the industry. I have not been convinced by everything he's said, and been disappointed by some of his claims, but I weigh that against the good he's done.
I truly appreciate everything he's done for this industry. He's been thrown under the bus because he fucked up, but his good work will have a lasting impact. I'm very upset that his errors in judgement (I assume that he had something to do with KL) have damaged TK, but I'm confident that people who've seen the positive impact that such an org has made in improving the quality of kava in the US, will see the benefit of such an org.
That's a good point. I've tried before to stay out of KF drama, but I keep coming back when I see stuff happening that either affects the industry negatively, or when I see what I think are decent (if flawed) people being railroaded. Thanks for the advice, honestly. Despite the delivery, I'm taking that to heart. This will be my last post on the current KF drama, and I'll try and avoid these controversial topics in future.